Legends, Loot, & Lore: A Players's Guide to Dungeons and Dragons
"Legends, Loot, & Lore" is a fun Dungeons and Dragons podcast where host Andrew and co-host Catherine dive into the thrilling realms of D&D, delivering news, tips, interviews, and fascinating tales of legendary adventures, all from the perspective of someone new to or interested in playing Dungeons and Dragons.
Legends, Loot, & Lore: A Players's Guide to Dungeons and Dragons
Hellish Healer: Crafting a Tiefling Cleric with a Divine Twist
Unearth the secrets of Dungeons and Dragons character creation with our special guest, Fable - an expert in the realm of tieflings and clerics. Journey with us as we craft an exceptional tiefling cleric named Dal Solice for our Phandelver and Below campaign, guided by Fable's seasoned insights and our Thanksgiving-induced creativity. We navigate through unique character artwork, detailed backstory, and discuss the potential of using either milestone or XP leveling for the campaign.
Ever wondered about the nitty-gritty of spell selection and character development in D&D? With Fable's expert guidance, we explore the intricacies of cantrips and first level spells available to a cleric character, including Guidance, Spare the Dying, and the racial spell Thaumaturgy. Get an insider’s view of the character selection process from the allocation of ability scores to the backstory with an emphasis on the hermit background. Moreover, we shed light on the excitement of equipment selection that enriches the gaming experience.
We wrap up the episode with a discussion on the future plans for our campaign, including a sneak peek into our upcoming playthroughs and standalone topics. Plus, find out how our characters, a warlock and a monk, fit into our group name, "The Heroes of Havoc," and how the warlock's love for vices may affect his actions in the game. So, buckle up for a fun-filled episode, whether you're new to D&D or a seasoned player, there's something for everyone to enjoy and learn from!
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Music by June Westfield
Apple Music
Logo design by Ryan Denora
Welcome one and all to another fantastic episode of legends, loot and lore. I won't spoil the surprise. We have a very special guest in the recording studio today with us. But first of all, joe, welcome.
Joe:Welcome back, andrew. Good to see you, as always, and everybody out there in DND land.
Andrew:Hello, we are back from a very happy Thanksgiving. Joe, how was, how was?
Joe:yours? I had a fantastic day with my family. How was yours? It was terrible.
Andrew:No, I'm kidding, it was, it was. It was very nice. Catherine made a beautiful Feast. It was. It was just amazing. It was delicious. Well done, catherine. She made me extra stuffing, which I'm really thrilled about, so so that that's always exciting.
Joe:I had a good one.
Andrew:I made my turkey and I think was the best turkey I made yet you were telling us about this earlier, so so tell us your secret, joe.
Joe:So the turkey bags, do you cook them in the bags? Well, the bags tell you the bag instructions. They cut a hole in the bag. I didn't do it this year for some stuff I saw online and it came out perfect Twenty pound turkey four and a half hours later Beautiful, interesting, I hope everybody out there.
Andrew:That's a good thing to do. Yeah, that's a good tip for everybody. As I say, this is we are not just a DND podcast. We are now branching off into into cooking as well. There's there'll be a cooking segment now.
Joe:Don't tempt me. I will start doing it from Heroes Feast Book and I'll start cooking different items and we'll bring them over and we'll have them at our adventures. I think that's a fantastic idea.
Andrew:We should we should, we should have, we should have a food segment and cook the different things, because they're coming out with a second cookbook. I saw that, yeah, so I think that that's a perfect opportunity to to make some food and try it out. I don't why not?
Joe:Things are a little hectic right now, but we'll look at that In the new year. Exactly Now. We're not.
Andrew:We're not going to add it as a segment to one of the other episodes.
Andrew:Right, exactly, I'm all for that. I'm all for food, so excellent. So today's episode we are first going to talk about this, this week's adventure campaign. We are then going to dive into creating our third character for our, our actual play segments when we, when we go through this, so everybody gets a feel for how to play a level one character. We'll go through leveling up and all that fun stuff throughout the episodes, but we're going to create a tiefling cleric, so kind of a hybrid we need, we need a healer. We determined that we needed a healer in the party because because between the two of us we're going to die.
Joe:Well, yeah, I mean both of our character. Neither of our characters had any great constitution and both of us were got no strength, nobody. Nobody has any kind of healing. It's like, hey, we need to pick up a lot of potions.
Andrew:Yeah so. So we determined that we're going to create a third character and, catherine, you have to be a ruthless DM.
Joe:Don't let us, like you know, use a bonus action to drink a potion. We need a full action to do that.
Andrew:Catherine can't respond. She doesn't have a microphone.
Joe:I'm saying I'm putting it out there in the land so that she can hear it when she listens to the podcast and she can remember she doesn't, she doesn't listen to the podcast.
Andrew:I know she's got enough of her own podcast.
Joe:The rest of you, other people, please do.
Andrew:Yes, please Listen we beg of you. Listen, so they're already listening to you. Can't beg the people that are listening to listen, because they're already listening. Please listen to us in the future, please, no, no, the thing is, please, share this podcast with your friends. There you go, see, and you know what. Share it with your enemies to share with.
Joe:Share with the enemies. Absolutely, you can find some common ground to come together this holiday season in bonding over our podcast there you have it.
Andrew:Our podcast is bringing people together.
Joe:Anyway, so amen to that.
Andrew:God bless us everyone. So so to make a long story just slightly longer, we invited a special guest to to help us create our tiefling cleric, because we we have a tiefling expert in house with us traveling through the neverwinter to to our house From distances, great, great distances. All the way from next door Is our, is our friend Fable Hi, fable Hi.
Joe:Hi, hi Welcome.
Andrew:Welcome to the podcast. We are so excited to to have you here and share your your love and expertise of tieflings and and and clerics as well. So this is this is very exciting. We're going to we'll get to all this in a moment, but but how excited are you to create yet another tiefling, very excited Very.
Fable:I think the hardest part was picking out which tiefling design I should use. There's so many.
Andrew:Got it. So so you're. You're an art, not only a D&D player, but a talented artist. So you, you, you start with the artwork of the tiefling and then go from there, correct?
Fable:Yeah, art first, character sheet later. They don't have a name until they have a character sheet. Is how it goes.
Andrew:Got it All right? Well, we will. We will get all into that. For now, bum, brum, drum roll. That's right, we are going to talk about this week's adventure in the campaign of what. What is our campaign again, joe? Tyranny of dragons. Tyranny of dragons. We really got to name your adventure group in this one. We got we on Monday. We should like throw it out and like, hey, we need names for the adventure group this time, so so we can start calling it by that. Yeah, yeah.
Joe:So so we're going to start with the adventure group. We're going to start with the adventure group. We're going to start with the adventure group. We're going to start with the adventure group, so so we can start calling it by that.
Andrew:Yes, I, I I named our adventuring party for for whatever we're going to. Well, we're going to play the fandelvern below. So I called us the the heroes of havoc, because I I have a tendency to think that that's what's going to. I have a feeling we're going to be creating some, some havoc, are we?
Joe:revealing what characters we're playing, or are we going to wait until we start playing?
Andrew:Why don't we, why don't we say that for the end of this episode, We'll we'll, we'll break it down.
Joe:I have a comment about what you named it, but I don't want to make the comment because it'll reveal. So we'll save that for the reveal for the end of the episode.
Fable:That's for last. Yes, okay.
Joe:I don't know about the best, but it'll be an interesting.
Andrew:So anyway, something for last, yes. Whether that's best, who knows.
Joe:So in the tyranny of dragons saga.
Andrew:Yes, yes, we are. We are still in the tomb slash.
Joe:Temple, temple, diderius. Yes, so, uh, last time defeated the um, well, not the last time. Two times ago you defeated the mosaic of the. Uh, chimera.
Joe:Uh, and then you guys continued the, the ancient web browser. We, we defeated it.
Andrew:The ancient web browser.
Joe:Don't you remember mosaic?
Andrew:No, is that is that? Are you, are you?
Joe:too young for that? No, I can't be that young. I've never heard of mosaic. Wow, okay, I'm dating myself. I had the new one. I mean I, I remember Ash Gives. I remember, uh, what was the dog? One again, um well, that's.
Andrew:That's a search engine. That's not a browser.
Joe:Mosaic was the actual, like internet explorer and those mosaic was it's ringing a bell, but I have no visual memory of it.
Andrew:But anyway, that's okay. So anyway, I'm dating myself. Go ahead, I apologize.
Joe:So you guys were standing in the middle of this room after you had defeated it and you had three potential passageways to go through. To the north was a doorway that said safe.
Andrew:No to the safe. This was. This is what was confusing the hell out of us. It was cause the north was pointing to the right, so it was to the west, which was the upward direction.
Joe:Right, there's a room that said safe, Correct, but the door was closed. To the north was a double banded door, double door, a wooden banded iron that was bulging, but you couldn't tell what was actually bulging it. And then to the east was a hallway that went downward and it dropped 15 feet before you could stop seeing what you were actually seeing. Right, eventually, after much discussion and debate Much, you know, this is really like typical of you guys. You guys ended up talking about everything and then we overthink these decisions. No offense, bill. Bill starts the conversation and then everybody else gets involved and all of a sudden it's either cat or you, just like I'm going over this one who's coming with me.
Andrew:Let's just, let's just, let's just do this Like it's just like I didn't, I didn't feel so. So I'm I'm of the school that if, if this is a temple tomb and there are tons of dead bodies of people that have not made it through this place, I feel that somebody marking a door safe, I don't trust it Exactly, and a bulging door, I don't trust it. Like, Exactly.
Andrew:So I'm, I'm, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't feel good about either one of these decisions. But so you guys went to the door that was marked safe.
Joe:Yes, well, well, bill, did I?
Andrew:stayed back. Well, you, you hung back. The rest of us hung back. Bill was like okay, I was like I'm going to go in here.
Joe:Exactly, it's safe. You know, it's obviously safe. It says safe.
Joe:So you walk, you walk in there and the door actually says the room actually has another writing on the another wall that says safe. And then above the door, above the on the wall, was a, a, a basin. That was brass, that was attached to the wall with a lever next to it, and the well had water in it about 20 feet down. So they would. You had a bucket on there so you could pull the water up Right. However, after about I think it was less than a minute, I think it was like a couple of seconds the water disappears. You pull it up out of the bucket and it disappears Right.
Joe:So eventually Bill got the idea he had an ability to create a water elemental temporarily. He had the water elemental fill up the bucket, pour it into the basin right, which activated the lever which poured the water down into the wall, cause there was a hole in the wall that the basin drained into Right and you could hear it draining through. Nobody could figure out where it was going at the time. Still to this day, nobody knows, we do not know.
Joe:So then you came back out and then Bill took his water elemental and had the water elemental squeeze through the empty space on the other side of the door that was bulging and was able to determine that there was a giant boulder sitting right on the other side of the door. So it was decided no, this is not a safe idea to go through this door either. Then everybody was looking at the hallway that went downward. So they're saying how do we go through here? Finally, frank was like you know what? I'm just going to go down and I'm going to start looking for traps. Right, smart man, frank did find a trap.
Andrew:Yes, he did. Everybody avoided it, thank God. Well, he disarmed the trap.
Joe:Did he disarm?
Andrew:or did he just disarm the trap? He disarmed the trap.
Joe:Then, as you got down in there, you were in another room. In this room there was a small hole in the wall that only a small scattered creature could get through and as Thoridin is a small scattered creature as a dwarf, he went through and he got into another room on the other side of the wall and he was like, okay, there's really nothing here, some storage containers that have nothing really of note in here. Then he starts looking around, sees a doorway out of that room and it's expands into a larger building which turned out to be the building on the outside of the temple. I'm like this is starting to look familiar, exactly, and as it was recognized to be the same place, thoridin came back in. Then you guys went east into another room which had a bunch of sarcophagus. Is in there Sarcophagi, sarcophagi? Thank you for the correction.
Andrew:Or sarcophagirl, I mean, I'm not.
Joe:In this case it's just a plurality of sarcophagus. How do we know? His name is Gus. So so then Bill I believe it was Bill heard something in the back of his head that told him that as you walk out of the room, you have to as you open the door to leave the room, you have to hold your hand in the certain way that this certain religion did back in the day. And he opened the door and he walked out and everybody kind of followed him into what appears to be a throne room. Right as you get into the throne room, you see a pile of treasure at the center of the room, in front of the throne, and a 12 foot man sitting on the stone on the throne who asked and I'm paraphrasing leave a donation if you want to get your wisdom, get advice.
Andrew:Right, and everybody was kind of like Zoltar, you got to put a quarter in the machine. Exactly, I want to be big, get your future, get your wish.
Joe:Is this going to be Thoradin's wish? He wants to get big, maybe. Maybe That'd be hysterical An eight foot dwarf Right. So after a lot of again to continue debate about what to do and how to go about it, everybody else left the room so Frank could do some experimentation. And Frank took some of the treasure and he walked around the room and nothing happened. Then he took some of the treasure and he threw it out of the room and we're entering combat.
Andrew:That's right. Speaking, speaking of big, what's his, what's his name? Catherine Tom Hanks, no, the kid from big. Oh, david Moscow, david Moscow. We saw David Moscow today. He was, he was. He was talking about his new book at the the New Barnes and Noble. Really, that just opened up in parameters. Interesting, yes. So coming full circle.
Joe:Yes, so that was that's okay, that's okay.
Andrew:I thought I had to. I had to mention that.
Joe:So you were about to enter combat, but at the time that it was it was kind of late and the combat was going to last a while, so we called it a night there.
Andrew:Well, at least we advanced through the dungeon. I make you a little nervous. You're like this is going to last a long time.
Joe:Well, I don't know about a long time. It's going to last a while because there's some shenanigans Okay. So so shenanigans.
Andrew:Can I roll for persuasion for you to like tell me? Give me a hint as to what the shenanigans might be, Catherine, I need a number, or actually Fable.
Joe:I need a number 16 to 25. 17. Okay, you get no bonuses. It's a straight roll.
Andrew:D 20. Yes, all right, I'll roll my thord and D 20. That will legitimately be a nat 20. Wow, that will be a nat 20.
Joe:So the boom the influence, the, the clue that you will have. Yes, the thing about this combat is you didn't see that coming.
Andrew:You didn't see that coming. That's the clue. Yeah, okay.
Joe:I'll see if I can think of another one, but I don't want to get something out of giving away.
Andrew:That doesn't seem like no, that's not really enough of a clue. Like a sufficient clue for a Nat 20. Like not not a, that was, that was an unmodified 20. Just, you should have done that again.
Joe:No, no, no, no, no. That's. That's the clue, oh, 12. The clue is you should have done that again.
Andrew:Okay, that's the clue Okay.
Joe:All right.
Andrew:Back to Okay.
Joe:Okay, let's just go back to the first one. I don't know, okay.
Andrew:I'll just go back to the first one. I'm bold, no, no, no, let's get ready to fable. What was that fable so creative? Right, that was? That was amazing, All right. So so now our, our resident expert. We have determined already. Normally we roll some of this for the randomness, but we knew we wanted a healer, so we settled on cleric. And what better than to have Fable here to talk about tiefling, since we haven't done a tiefling yet and they are one of the basic races. So I feel it's rude to call them basic, but they're the best. They're the best, they're the best of the basic.
Joe:They're a basic race in the fact that they're in the basic rules.
Andrew:Right, this tiefling is not ordering a pumpkin spice latte at all. Black coffee, only Black tea. Fable. What would be this tiefling's drink of choice if they drove through Starbucks?
Fable:A tea like Earl Grey. I'm getting Earl Grey.
Joe:I love Earl Grey. It is the tea I drink, almost exclusively Chai Chai.
Fable:Yeah, they're a tea gal.
Joe:Okay, cool. Something with the oriental kind of like oriental healing is what I was thinking, because this is a cleric and so you've played healers before.
Fable:Yeah, the character I play Cherish in my own campaign is a cleric and also a tiefling, so I have experience.
Andrew:Experience as a healer.
Joe:Yes, that's why.
Andrew:That's why Fable is the expert, as far as both tieflings and healers is concerned. So why not go to the expert when creating one of these? Absolutely All right, so let's do this. So some of this has already been determined by our expert. So when we go through this, we're not going to randomize as much stuff as we normally do, and we will refer to Fable for the color commentary on what. First of all, let's start with what's the name?
Fable:The name is Dal Solis.
Andrew:Dal Solis Great, Great name. And why Fable? Please share with us what Dal Solis' name means. What's the origin of your name for this character?
Fable:Well, dal means moon, and there's a reason for that. We'll see later, I guess. And Solis or Solis, or however the hell you pronounce it, it's because you find like Solis and like the healer.
Andrew:I think it's excellent. I think that's an excellent I agree. I love when there's meaning behind the names, because we just randomly generated like Bumble Bumble, there's no meaning whatsoever behind that, but this actually has some meaning. So it's nice that you put a lot of thought and effort into your character creation. That's really cool.
Fable:Yeah, I always put meaning behind the names. It's like the best part. I've been through so many baby naming forums.
Joe:That's great. It's one of the best ways to find names.
Andrew:Are these characters your babies? Yes, awesome, all right, so let's go through the first sheet. So we've got the name of the character and we're going to leave all the content.
Joe:Preferences yeah.
Andrew:Sources there, because we're not going to really deal with that. We're going to enable digital dice rolling because we're going to use that in a little bit Joe, we haven't talked about this For the upcoming campaign. Are we going to do Milestone or XP for Fandelver M below? What's your opinion?
Joe:My opinion has always been Milestone for newer players, but I am definitely down for doing the XP in this one. We'll have to keep track of our XP, but hey, that's kind of the point.
Andrew:Okay, so I mean I.
Joe:The real question is how difficult will it be for Catherine to tell us what the XP is, because in the book is it listing the XP per combat, or is it something she would have to look up and record?
Andrew:and I would have to look into the module to see that, but it might be. It might just be easier for Catherine to do in Milestone based, I think so. So instead of trying to calculate every little creature that we kill, how much XP there is, maybe just Milestone based would be. I think that'll simplify gameplay. So okay, so we'll leave advancement type as Milestone.
Andrew:We're going to change hit point type to manual so we'll manually roll hit points when we do level up Use prerequisites. We're going to just leave all that alone. Incombrance we will use. We are going to ignore coin weight and I'll just leave that. So we're going to leave it as the modifiers. We'll leave the modifiers on top and we're going to leave the character privacy on public. So we can share this and let's go next. All right, so the the tiefling traits. So, fable, do you want to discuss some of these? So tiefling, the basic traits they get are dark vision. So how do you, do you use dark vision much when you're playing with your characters, or how do you use that?
Fable:We haven't encountered a situation of that much. Like our party, all of us besides one have dark vision. I think it came up only once, so it makes life easier, though we did have to find a light spell for our human wizard.
Andrew:Yeah, it's so funny Like Joe and I were commenting on that when we were talking about all the different basic races or species that I feel like they just throw dark vision at almost every single one of them and it's like humans are like one of the only ones that don't have dark vision. But everybody's got dark vision. It's like everybody gets dark vision. It's like Oprah it's the Oprah feature too to your characters. Now, what about hellish resistance, the resistance to fire damage? How have you taken advantage of that feature of your tieflings?
Fable:I have taken advantage of that in combat. Our wizard is a fireball fanatic.
Andrew:I'm liking this wizard.
Fable:Yeah, he's chaotic, chaotic, evil, something like that, and there has been a couple of times where he does not care if the party gets in the way of his spells, as long as it hits its target.
Andrew:Okay, that sounds pretty chaotic and somewhat evil. They're really focused on whatever it is they want to do. That's pretty interesting. At least you get resistance. So you get half. As a reminder to everybody out there listening resistance to certain things gives you half the damage that you normally would take for something like this. So if there were 30 points of fire damage, you'd only take 15 of those, those those hit points of fire damage. So so, yeah, so saving yourself from fireball is very, very helpful. I remember that one time, when I cast fireball in a library not not not wisely, thinking that everything is made of paper and wood that was burned down a ancient repository of knowledge.
Joe:Good you, that's just messed up, and he was not thinking he was, he was panicking yeah.
Andrew:I was, it was. I'm not going to get into that.
Fable:We all have our moments.
Andrew:That's right, I was. I was again very focused on on, on destroying the, destroying the enemy. I forget the name of that creature.
Fable:I think it was the shimshammy. What's that? You and Richard have stuff in common.
Andrew:Yes, the wizard's name Richard the wizard.
Joe:He just likes to burn things. He's an arsonist.
Fable:He has all fire spells. That's fantastic. It's become a problem.
Joe:Well, that's great that he actually is focusing in and theming his character that way.
Andrew:Okay, moving on. That's all and last but not least, infernal legacy.
Joe:This is great because you get the Thaumaturgy cantrip, which is useful in certain different circumstances about like minor illusions and stuff, minor little tricks that you can do with it. But when you reach the third level you can cash Hellish Rebuke and that's when somebody hits you as a reaction reaction, you can cast this spell. Have you used this a lot?
Fable:All the time. I love it. It's one of my favorites. It's so good.
Andrew:Nice. So are there, are there any any specific memories you have of casting Hellish Rebuke? Or oh, do tell, we've got, we've got other guests on the podcast. That would be Jordy and Fizzban, who are flying through the, flying through the studio here. Yeah, so so. So regale us with your tales of using Hellish Rebuke.
Fable:Well, actually it was like what two weeks ago we were doing our 10 hour long.
Andrew:Yes sessions.
Fable:It's chaotic. We were fighting a snow man and, like his little snow golems, and the great part about it was they are vulnerable to fire, so we're really able to kick him in the butt.
Andrew:Yes, very nice. Always take out those, take out those snowmen.
Joe:Every time somebody touched you kind of just burned them away.
Fable:Yeah, it was. It was nice that you know me and Richard banded together with our fire spells and it went way easier than it could have been. So a good use of a pyromaniac yeah we're in a very snowy area right now, so that's a perfect, perfect place for for a fire wizard, all right.
Andrew:So those are the, the key basic traits that you get as as a tiefling. Moving on to some of our some of the best parts here. So we're going to talk about all the character, like the class features. Class features, thank you. I'm like I'm spacing on the word there.
Fable:Thanks, thank you.
Andrew:That's right. You know, it's what happens when you get old and take three. So so, fable, tell us about. You've chosen the life domain cleric. So fill us in as to why the life domain cleric.
Fable:I didn't think about it too much. Honestly, you needed a healer for this, and that life domains the way to go for that.
Andrew:Well, there you go, that's.
Joe:very simple math. I mean it really is right Because as a life domain cleric, you get so many extra bonuses every time you cast the spell for healing. So it just cranks up.
Andrew:Yes. So let's talk about these class features for the life domain cleric. So with the hit points, the hit dice is a 1d8.
Joe:Yeah, plus your constitution modifier for how many hit points you get each level.
Andrew:Yes, and then it's yeah, so it's hit points at higher levels Again 1d8 plus constitution per cleric level after the first, because you get your full 1d8 hit points.
Joe:Hit points to start plus your constitution modifier to start Right.
Andrew:Yes, so let's talk about proficiencies. So Light armor.
Joe:Yes, medium armor yes, and shields, whoa. All make sense on the basis that a cleric tends to be a warrior and is. Paladin's more of a Templar type of creature, person, I think but this is where you're standing. In there You're going to be in the fray, but you're also going to use your actions to heal, so you need to be able to hold up.
Andrew:Yes, so Fable, do your clerics usually wear armor, or yeah?
Fable:they do.
Andrew:Okay, what kind?
Fable:I'm forgetting, but I really only play one character.
Andrew:Well, you, predominantly, you play Cherish, yes, which is your, your, your prime, primary character. So so, just Cherish, wear any armor.
Fable:They do, so you're getting what type it is, but it's it's like a proficient one, so probably medium armor.
Andrew:Excellent, good, well, good choice. What kind of weapon does Cherish use?
Fable:They have daggers.
Joe:Daggers, yes, so it goes regular attack and then bonus action for the second attack, or is it throwing to that?
Fable:Uh throwing.
Joe:I don't know Interesting. So in general, the, the, the cleric, gets proficiency in simple weapons which is. What a dagger fits into that. Exactly the way it is, no tool proficiency?
Andrew:Nope, the same proficiencies on your saving throws are wisdom and charisma. So now skills. We have to choose two. So we have to choose from history insight, medicine, persuasion and religion for our proficiencies. So, fable, you chose medicine and persuasion.
Fable:Care to share why, out of all of those, I mean, I thought they made most sense, but I also didn't know if we'd change it and I needed to put something for me to like finish the character sheet.
Andrew:Got it.
Fable:So if you want to roll for them, feel free.
Joe:Honestly, I'm comfortable with you picking them and leaving them as is, but I mean because we did. We did the fully like random for both of our characters. So it's up to you, andrew.
Andrew:Well, let's, let's, let's talk about this. So I, medicine obviously makes sense, makes a lot of sense, makes sense. Persuasion is an interesting one. I'm also thinking like history and religion.
Andrew:I was our interesting ones for a healer.
Fable:I was kind of stuck between history and persuasion actually.
Joe:See, I like the persuasion because it's like, the other two characters that we have don't really have a ton of persuasion, or at least one of them doesn't. I guess the other one does have a little bit of persuasion, I don't care.
Andrew:I'm happy with persuasion, the warlock is high on charisma, that's true.
Joe:I don't know anything about that. So I, I, I don't care, I'm good with medicine persuasion. But if you want to, if you want to mix up the persuasion one and put in something else, I'm okay with that.
Andrew:Let's go, let's look at.
Joe:Well, actually, you know what might help out if we jump to the background, because the background will give you other proficiencies, and if we pick a background real quick. That has something to do with.
Andrew:Well, I was just. I was just going to look at Iquium to see. I mean, Iquium does not have proficiency in persuasion and we we do have the charisma. We have 15 on charisma, so it's not that great. So persuasion could be a good one if we're trying to.
Joe:Again, persuade somebody. Persuade people. Yeah, we need somebody who's going to be the voice of reason if things get too dicey, true?
Fable:Move talker.
Joe:True, but either way, I'm good with it.
Andrew:And it could be, it could be interesting to have a tiefling be the one trying to do the persuading, because, again, tieflings have that kind of Prejudice. Yeah, there's a lot of prejudice as far as tieflings are concerned, not by me in the game world, not by me. Mm-hmm. Joe, we know how you feel about tieflings.
Joe:So let's leave it as persuasion.
Andrew:I think that adds a nice little irony then too. Yeah, next thing is we've got excellent, so we got that. So next thing are spell casting. So we've got the whole deal on spell casting at first level. You know three cantrips.
Joe:And then the number of spells that we start out with is equal to where is it I just saw it the wisdom modifier plus your cleric level. So, whatever we end up with the MISDA wisdom modifier score plus one at this point, because we're level one, that's how many spells we can have prepared. Yep, and if I'm not mistaken, we actually have, we actually know, the entire spell list and we switch out what spells that we want during a long rest.
Andrew:Is that how it works for a cleric?
Joe:I'm going to look at that fable.
Fable:I think so. I usually I have my spells and I stick with them because I like them a lot.
Andrew:You've got your go-to spells. At this point, I have my go-tos yeah.
Fable:Inflict wounds. Man, you can't give it up.
Andrew:Inflict wounds is a good one. It's my favorite, all right, so yeah, so wisdom is the spell casting ability. Spell save DC is eight plus your proficiency bonus, plus your wisdom modifier.
Joe:Here it is. You can change your list prepared spells when you finish a long rest. I was the same way when I was playing my wizard. I never changed my spells until I learned, was able to learn a new one, and most of the time I kept going with my cantrips you know, told the dead. It was like my go-to cantrip all the time.
Fable:I told the dead's good, I love that one.
Andrew:Ooh so. So the other thing is you can use a holy symbol as a spell casting focus for your cleric spells, and we have to look at the adventuring gear section later to to determine this Do you use a holy symbol?
Fable:If cherish I don't.
Fable:No, I have a cherish lore item for that one.
Joe:Got it. Did you want this tiefling to follow any particular deity?
Fable:I did have one picked out, and that's why I? Said we talk about the name thing later.
Andrew:The name ties into that.
Joe:So I'm good with, I'm good if you want to take that particular deity. I was thinking I should say that particular deity's.
Andrew:Are you giving permission?
Joe:You in permission, Joe. No, that's why I changed my wording. I say I was thinking that that particular deity, whatever it may be, may be ideal, whatever their symbol, is to be the holy symbol.
Fable:I think that would work.
Joe:Okay, whatever we want.
Andrew:Well, you've got the tattoo.
Fable:I do have the tattoo, yeah.
Andrew:Oh, so we'll get to that.
Fable:Yeah, we'll get to it.
Andrew:We'll get to that, so. So, that's everything on spell casting, the divine domain which we already talked about, the, the life domain. Yep and the bonus proficiency. So you, when you choose this domain at first of all, you gain proficiency with heavy armor which is really good because it means that the character can stay into the combat longer.
Joe:Do you know if Jerosh was using heavy armor?
Fable:No, it was medium.
Joe:It was a medium, okay.
Fable:I double checked it.
Joe:The problem with heavy armor notoriously being that almost all heavy armor, unless it's magically enchanted, puts disadvantage on stealth roles. Right Then moving on to the the, the disciple of life.
Andrew:Yes, the disciple of life. Let's talk about the disciple of life, joe.
Joe:Starting at first level, your healing spells are more effective. Whenever you use a spell, the first level are higher. To restore hit points to a creature, that creature regains an additional hit points equal to two plus the spells level. That's so exciting it is. And this is really good too, because most lower level healing spells have some trouble getting enough healing in there. So the nice little bonus.
Andrew:There's nothing like a healing bonus, absolutely, you know, excellent, so that covers all of the, the cleric class features. The cleric class features. Now let's let's cross over to spells. So there's a lot going on here, so so let's talk about this.
Joe:Um, my goodness, See, got some good ones here. So what do we got? Oh, so the prepare two spells too many.
Andrew:You got many extra prepared spells that we're going to have to.
Fable:Well, no, no, it's just two.
Andrew:Just two extras, so we'll have to, we'll have to remove those, so so let's talk about the cantrips first. So you've got you picked three cantrips. Which is guidance? Great, great cantrip. Guidance is a great one. So so why do you like guidance Fable?
Fable:I've never really used it no all right, it seemed like a good option.
Joe:It really is when, when, when the cleric remembers to use it at the point at the appropriate times, it really fits in and gives a lot of bonus to whoever is making. I believe it's a skill check, yeah, ability check. So a skill check. Anytime somebody is trying to do an ability check, you get an extra D four. The target rolls the D four and gets an extra bonus to their check Very helpful, excellent, but you've got to be within.
Andrew:it's a, it's a touch spell.
Joe:Yes, so you, you got to be able to reach out and touch that person.
Andrew:Yes, reach out, reach out and touch someone.
Joe:It's almost like putting your hand on somebody's shoulder saying, hey man, you got this.
Andrew:Exactly that's and and you know, see, that should be, that should be like that should have to use like your charisma bonus, like I almost, I almost feel like that's like a great bard or a bard spell.
Joe:Or, if you think about it, since it's it's guidance, it could be more of an intelligence or a wisdom on that basis, because you'd be like, look, I'm going to provide guidance to you while you do this. Hey, I'm trying to, you know, speak with animal handling. Hey, be careful, dogs, don't do this, don't like that. You know, like it would be like additional guidance, so that could be a wisdom or anything.
Andrew:Spare the dying. Great, great spell for a healer.
Fable:A given yes.
Andrew:So again, you touch a living creature that has zero hit points. That creature becomes stable, so no longer needing the death saving throws. Yes, it has no effect on undead or constructs, right? Fortunately, neither one of us are undead or a construct. So we're, we're in luck, we're in good shape.
Joe:And my favorite Well, you, already you should have the Thaumaturgy. Yeah, because it doesn't get listed with the spells, because it's a racial thing, got it. And I think it's actually at second level that she gets the that that, uh, what, how was it? Uh, what was the name Thaumaturgy? No, no, uh, the character's name, dow Dow, gets it at second level. I think it kicks in. I thought that was an immediate Maybe, maybe it was, but whatever way it's, because it's the racial factor, it's not part of the regular. I think you get it immediately.
Fable:I think you do.
Joe:But because it, because it's the racial factor, it's not listed on the regular spells. It's under the racial features.
Andrew:Got it so toll of dead, so that's my fave. Why? Why is toll of the?
Joe:dead, your favorite. I just love the whole concept of it. Plus, it starts out with a D eight and goes to a D 12 of the character if the enemy is already wounded. So you get two D eight, oh no sorry. One D eight or one D 12 damage If the person's fails, their wisdom saving throw.
Andrew:Interesting. So, fable, have you used the spell before?
Fable:I've not, but I'm really excited to use it.
Joe:You've never used it before.
Fable:No, I have not used it. It wasn't an option for cherish. Oh, recently.
Joe:So I was. I was corny about this, so when I was playing my wizard it was my go to spell. I would always play um for whom the bell tolls by Metallica in the background. Just that, every time that whom the bell.
Andrew:Oh, I see, I think I know why. So we're, we're, we're little, we're playing a little off book on this one, because these are not spells that are found in the basic rules, ah, so that's why it wasn't available to cherish, that's why it's not available to that.
Andrew:That's why it wasn't available to cherish. So so we're we're going a little off book in for this character, but that's, that's all right. That's right. This is the expanded universe of of D and D. So those are the canned trips. So those are the three, three can trips. So let's go into the first level spells now.
Joe:So real quick overview charmed detect, magic, guiding bolt, inflect wounds, shield of faith. Officially only allowed to have three, so we'll go through all of them and figure out which one we want, which two we can reorganize.
Andrew:Yes, so so you got command, which is a, which is one of your ones that are that's prepared, which is a really interesting one. You can speak a one word command to a creature you can see within range. The target has to succeed on a wisdom saving throw or follow the command on its next turn. It can't do anything that's harmful to it, but provided it doesn't, the spell has no effect of the targets undead If it doesn't understand. Here's another key it has to understand your language, so it has to be able to understand your language to to follow the command. Very exciting spell. This will this will be a lot of this will be a command, will be, will be fun. I like that one, detect magic. I think is a really good one.
Joe:Fantastic, because when you're coming across something and the DM says, well, this is magical, well, what kind of magic? What does it do? Right, detect magic takes all the guesswork out of it.
Andrew:If you sense magic in this way, you can use your, so you get. You get the sense of presence of magic within 30 feet, so you get. You get a faint aura around any visible creature or object that has or bears magic, which is really interesting, and you learn at school of magic. So it's, there's a lot of helpful, helpful things here, and this is interesting. The spell can penetrate most barriers, but it's blocked by one foot of stone, one inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead or three feet of wood or dirt.
Joe:It's kind of a little bit like Superman Can't see through the lead.
Fable:But you can see through everything else.
Andrew:Right, I know. So sort of like Superman, that's what I said. It's kind of like Superman, kind of. It is kind of like Superman, same concept. So I think detect magic is a solid choice for a prepared spell Guiding bolt.
Joe:I know way too many people who take this spell. It is such a good spell on a hit 4d6 radiant damage. The next attacks role is got advantage on the target. I mean, why wouldn't you take this?
Andrew:I don't know, joe, why wouldn't you take this? Oh, you would. Exactly. They did, you did.
Andrew:It's a cult classic, excellent, so we so yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So that's three already, right, so now you've got inflict wounds, which is make a melee spell attack against a creature you can reach. On a hit, the target takes 3d10 necrotic damage now. Now. So the interesting thing about this again, you've got to be in melee range, so it's a it's, you've got to be right up on them. I mean, it's a huge amount of damage for a first level, for a first level spell.
Fable:It's my go to. I use it all the time. It's my favorite.
Andrew:And then? And then? What about? Shield of faith? Shimmering field surrounds a creature of your choice, granting it a plus two bonus to AC for the duration.
Joe:So Fable, if you had your choice, which two would you take off?
Fable:Well, it is your choice. It is your choice.
Joe:And it's an instinctively take off.
Fable:Hmm, I don't, I don't know. I would say detect magic, but that's a good one. The problem is the campaign I came from. We don't really use spells and like a role play setting, so I have to get in this in the mindset that I will use some of these spells.
Joe:Right, well, that would definitely be command. Command would definitely be a lot more of a role place spell.
Fable:I personally don't.
Joe:I personally don't care too much for detect magic. I think it kind of costs too much to do what it's to do what it does because it doesn't give you more specifics, but that's just me.
Andrew:It really feels like it should be a can trip yeah.
Joe:Yeah, like maybe take away the ability to tell what type of school of magic it is and use detect magic just to see if there's magical or is right. But that's just my thoughts on detect magic.
Fable:I'm down to take off to check magic.
Andrew:Okay, so we're going to take off, we're going to unprepare the tech magic. Okay, so we got one more one that we can.
Joe:That we need to remove, remove, is she'll the faith? A full round action or is it bonus?
Fable:It's a bonus. It's a bonus action.
Joe:So that one's kind of yeah, you hang on to that one, so then that leaves guiding bolt. Inflict wounds, command those three Unless.
Andrew:I would, I would probably drop command. That would be. That would be my personal, my personal thought, cause, again, it only lasts the one round, like if it were a concentration spell and you could make them stand still for up to a minute, a half hour, an hour or something like that.
Joe:That would be great, but yeah, that's why I said it's kind of a role play thing, because you can use it in like sneaking around someplace and and and trying to get past the guard or something like that. Right, okay, so that's so wow.
Andrew:So now we've got okay. So the prepared spells we've got guidance as a cantrip, spare the dying as a cantrip, and told the dead as the three cantrips. Right, Then we've got bless, because some of these are built into the healing domain. Yes, so you got bless as a first level concentration, so you can bless up to three creatures of your choice within range. Whenever a target makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the attack roll or saving throw.
Joe:Now that lasts up to a minute. It's concentration, so you can't cast the second concentration spell Right. However, a minute is 10 rounds of combat, which is a long time in combat, so that's a great thing to have, because they can just put that in their back pocket.
Andrew:Yes, we got cure wounds guiding bolt. Inflict wounds, so you can cure and inflict wounds. That's great. I like that. All right, so we've got. We're down to those. You've got eight prepared spells, which is pretty good. Yeah, all right. So let's move on from the class features and spells onto the fun part. Yes, the ability scores. All right, so we're going to. So so, fable you put, you just plugged some in here when you were some random ones.
Fable:Yes, it wouldn't let me view the character sheet Otherwise, yeah.
Andrew:Yeah, so we're going to reset these. I'll roll them up, all right, and let's see what we got A 12. A 12. Okay, not bad Spin around. Another 12. Another 12.
Joe:There's an eight. That could be tough 15.
Andrew:Okay, 15.
Joe:That's nice, that's nice 11.
Andrew:That's 16. Okay.
Joe:All right, that's this. That's that's not bad. So so which ability do you want to be terrible at?
Andrew:Well, let's start. Let's start from the, let's start from the top and work our way down. So so I definitely think that charisma, or wisdom, wisdom should be the 16. So we've got. So the six numbers we have are 12, 12, 8, 15, 11 and 16. Yeah, so I think 16 should definitely be, should definitely be wisdom, Absolutely. That would be the way to go with that. Now, it was what were the?
Joe:wisdom and intelligence. I think it was.
Fable:Yeah, intelligence.
Joe:Well, here's the thing. I think we should go with constitution in this case, because clerics tend to be close to combat.
Andrew:I definitely think you want to think about AC and HP on this character.
Fable:Yeah, I'm I'm checking online. Constitution should be up there.
Andrew:That's, that's, that's the recommendation is is constitution. Don't forget. Don't forget. We get a racial bonus, a plus one to intelligence and a plus two to charisma. So just just keep those. Yeah, so we're going to talk about putting 15 as the constitution. Absolutely All right. Now you could, I would, so we, I. This is probably what I would do. I would probably put the 11 on intelligence.
Joe:Rounded up to a 12.
Andrew:Cause it rounds, yeah, cause it rounds up to a 12. So then you get the, you get the plus one that way. How do you feel about that? I?
Fable:think that sounds good yeah.
Joe:And then, by that same logic, I think the best bet is to take that eight and put it into your charisma, so with the modifier you don't end up with any negatives on your roles.
Andrew:Right, I think that makes perfect sense.
Joe:So then, that leaves strength and dexterity for 12s, for 12s.
Fable:That's all right.
Joe:So if you decide to go with darts again, you might not be as great with them, but then again going with anything else is going to be the same, because you got a 12 and a great 12 and deck. So any kind of weapon you use, you're going to end up with the same, plus one modifier.
Fable:It is what it is.
Andrew:So now the total scores strength is a 12.
Andrew:So we have a plus one modifier for that Dexterity is 12 plus one plus one modifier for that Constitution is going to be the 15, which gives us a plus two modifier, and constitution Intelligence total score is a 12, because we went with the, the rolled score of 11, with the plus one to the racial bonus that brought us up to 12. Cause, that gives us the plus one modifier, which is really nice. Then on wisdom, we're going 16, our total score because there's there's no extra bonuses on that. So we get the plus three modifier on that, which is great for wisdom. Yep, cause that's that's our primary stat.
Andrew:That's our primary spell casting stat. And then charisma was an eight. We rolled an eight but we have the plus two to racial bonus. So an eight would give you a negative, a minus one modifier, but the plus two racial bonus brings it up to 10. So it gives you a zero on on the modifier.
Joe:So we're not. We're not at a very average very average, excellent.
Andrew:So let's move on then, from the ability scores to the description, the fun stuff.
Fable:This is.
Andrew:This is this is where fable really likes to play around. Let's talk about the story of of of Dow. So so you selected hermit. Is that? Is that what you want to stick with?
Fable:Either hermit or like sage hermit or sage.
Joe:I want to stay with hermit because I think you, I think we put the sage as one of the other ones, I don't remember either by their nerd, no that was a folk hero.
Andrew:Equium is a folk hero. And let's go to Zan Rose. Zan Rose, Bumblebumble. I just love saying that name.
Joe:It was a noble, it was a noble, so maybe we're looking at it Neither were sage or hermit I'm good with the hermit, though I like that one, but I don't care.
Andrew:So do you have the description of the hermit up there? Fable Absolutely Like. Should I read it out? Yeah, please.
Fable:You lived in seclusion, either in a sheltered community such as Amon Starrie, or entirely alone for a formative part of your life and your time. Apart from the clamor of society, you found quiet, solitude and perhaps some of the answers you were looking for.
Andrew:Ooh, I like that.
Fable:I do too.
Andrew:I like that background. I picked skill. Proficiency is religion perception. It was a choice one. Is the one you selected which is always which I think is a great one.
Joe:I was gonna say it's always a good one to have. Make sure your perception is a little bit bonus. Yes, um, ooh, I like the Elvish.
Fable:Figured it coming handy.
Joe:Can't hurt actually. Yeah, be absolutely honest.
Andrew:Absolutely. Elvish is always a good one, but someone already speaks Elvish.
Fable:Yes, uh, bramblebomble.
Andrew:I thought Iquium did no.
Joe:We can change that too. I don't care about that. No, no, no, I'm just. I'm just saying I can switch mine up. No, no, no. I think we can keep either both of them at Elvish or I can. We can change Bumblebomble, Both of them can speak the same extra languages.
Andrew:It's just no reason to campy. No, no reason at all. So so we'll get Elvish. Elvish will be the language now, okay, ooh. Background features discovery.
Joe:Quiet seclusion of extended hermitage gives you access to unique and powerful discovery. The exact nature of the revelation depends on the nature of your seclusion. It might be a truth about the cosmos, deities, beings of outer planes or the forces of nature. It could be a site that no one else has seen. You may have uncovered a fact that has been long forgotten, an unearthed relic that you have found from the past to rewrite history. It might be information that would be damaging to the people who cosigned you to exile and hence the reason for your return to society. Start with your DM to determine details of your discovery and its impact on the campaign. We have a wave to the DM and the DM waves back.
Andrew:We're talking about you. Oh sorry, thank you. Thank you for that.
Joe:All right, that's interesting, that'll be fine.
Andrew:That was very interesting.
Fable:Now you already picked some of these Characterists Fable, so I will probably go back and edit most of them when I write the backstory.
Andrew:Okay, that's fine. So have you thought about the backstory yet?
Fable:A little bit. I think I'm gonna include the deity in a lot of it.
Andrew:Okay, would you like to share some of that with us, or do you wanna?
Joe:wait until you've finished it.
Fable:I mean I have a little bit of it.
Andrew:Give us a little sneak preview.
Fable:Well, their deity is a. Oh, I'm not gonna pronounce this right. Wait, I'm pulling up the wiki, so I know how to say it right.
Joe:That's right.
Fable:Do you know?
Joe:how many words I've described, I've pronounced incorrectly during my time of playing D&D, especially the cinema.
Andrew:So you said it wrong again. I know I did it on purpose that time.
Joe:Don't forget the tomb of Strah the tomb of Strah.
Andrew:You have to go to the apothecary for that. No, yes, fable, sorry.
Fable:All right, that's great. The saloon-a or saloon-a it goes both ways, I guess.
Fable:So this is a moon deity, which is why, part of the reason why Dal looks so light-themed, also part of the name.
Joe:The Dal is it, it all comes back together.
Andrew:Yes, very good, very good. It's all tied in together. That's fantastic. It all comes together. That's very exciting. Okay, so we will. Should we do you wanna discuss personality traits now, or do you wanna wait till you do the backstory to?
Joe:I mean, if you're gonna change them up, maybe we should have gone through the detail.
Andrew:yeah, Remember, you don't have to use these characteristics.
Joe:Yeah, I think I'm gonna change some of them, yeah, and that's fine. I've helped some people create characters where they've taken the actual like the suggested character, reach to details, tweak them, and I've helped some people just throw them out and just written their own. I've done that once or twice myself.
Fable:That's probably what I'm gonna do. I wanted to write more about them, but very busy school week, so I just I don't know, life happens.
Andrew:That's important. School is very important.
Joe:Life happens.
Andrew:So tell me this so you chose the alignment of completely neutral for Dahl. So why, why so neutral?
Fable:Well, that also ties into the deity.
Joe:They're very neutral, I'm sensing a tapestry full of threads that I'm very curious to hear now, or see the tapestry.
Fable:Interesting the thing about the deity is that her temperament is like the moon and constantly changes.
Joe:Ah very nice so Dahl may be shifting, as long as the moon is shifting.
Fable:Same with the deity.
Joe:I tried to make them very each and twice, which is why I'm having problems with the backstory.
Fable:That could be a lot of fun.
Joe:You know, one day they're friendly and outgoing and then the month later or 15 days later, they're back to being crazy. They're crazy and then 15 days after that they're back to being normal. I mean, that could be a lot of.
Fable:I've had a look at a lot of Wiki pages.
Andrew:Yeah, awesome, that is going to be. That'll be a lot of fun for role-playing and things like that. So that's exciting. So let's talk about your physical characteristics of Dahl. Can I just say I love Perry Winkle.
Joe:I mean, I'm not necessarily a huge fan of the color of Perry Winkle, but I love the word Perry Winkle.
Fable:So that's great. That's a good one, yeah.
Andrew:Maybe you should just make a character named Perry Perry Winkle.
Fable:Not Perry, Perry Winkle, yeah, yeah.
Joe:Perry, first name, perry, last name, Winkle.
Fable:First name Perry last name Winkle Perry.
Joe:Winkle. It would be a halfling who loved to bake and they would use all the natural ingredients to make everything because Perry Winkle is also a flower, if I'm not mistaken and they would find a way to incorporate that. I could create a whole thing right now Go ahead. So, anyway.
Andrew:So back to the physical description of Dahl. So tell us, fable, what does Dahl look like?
Fable:Oh geez, I got a picture to go off of here.
Andrew:Excellent A reference picture.
Fable:Oh yes, oh geez, where is it?
Andrew:now, that's.
Fable:OK, here we go, all right. So they're very tall, they're 6'5". My friends, they helped me with this character description and they insisted that they must be super tall.
Andrew:Which friends helped you with this?
Andrew:Sophia, Hello Sophia.
Fable:Who we know and love.
Andrew:That's right.
Fable:Thank you. Oh, yes, and Kia and Kia, kia as well.
Andrew:Thank you. Thank you both, Sophia and Kia.
Fable:Yeah, they got Perry Winkle skin and they have freckles that are like.
Andrew:I thought it was Perry Winkle hair.
Fable:Oh shit, oh dusty, dusty, purple skin.
Andrew:Dusty purple, ooh, that's.
Fable:If you look at the picture, there's a lot of purple going on.
Andrew:There's a lot of purple.
Joe:There's a scene which definitely fits the moon theme.
Andrew:I like the purple theme.
Joe:I like it a lot Now six, five, including or not including the horns.
Fable:Not including the horns.
Joe:So how tall are the horns on top of?
Fable:that I did the math with the horns, didn't I write it down?
Andrew:I think you did some. I think you did somewhere. I wrote it down somewhere, maybe in the notes.
Fable:No, oh, no oh wait, where did I write it? I knew I wrote it down somewhere, it's like seven or seven one.
Joe:So make sure six, seven inches on top of it.
Joe:Right, because what was it? Six five, six five, all right. So let's look at an extra six inches, seven, eight inches, yeah, nice. Yeah, that's not intimidating at all.
Andrew:Yeah, very excited, I'm very excited this is really interesting, right?
Joe:Because, like, if you assume, like a 15 day cycle, at one point it's like the angry purple monster and at the other day it's the friendly purple healer.
Fable:Yep, well, it will be written out soon.
Joe:No problem, I still have to do the backstory for the other two.
Andrew:So yeah, that's yes, you do. Yes, yes, I do, that's right.
Andrew:This is such a super exciting character, so we got so much to work with here.
Fable:Yeah, you can probably post the picture on your Instagram, so they know what I'm going to get.
Andrew:Absolutely, I got to post. Well, I've got, I'm creating that Instagram post with all three, but I want to, I need to, I'm going to do, I'm going to do the like a at least a torso shot.
Joe:For some of the episode on the on the episode post so the other two have their torso shots in the episode post, so it's going to be good, exactly All right.
Andrew:So we've got the physical characteristics down of of Dal, so let's talk about equipment, the equipment.
Joe:So I think the herbalism kit in the javelin comes from the sage background.
Fable:Herbalism is from the hermit.
Joe:I mean sorry, hermit, hermit background. I'm sorry.
Fable:And I mean javelin, was proficient.
Joe:So oh, ok, yeah.
Fable:Proficient and common.
Joe:You cannot use a warhammer. That's hilarious, not proficient.
Andrew:So so what kind of? So you can choose from scale mail, not snail mail, scale mail, leather armor and chain mail. If proficient, well, first just check off the mace, because Well, yes, you can have a mace. So, or pepper spray, either one.
Joe:The scale, leather or chain mail in your head? How is Dow Defended equipped is? I saw you. Is she using a scale or chains or are they more like natural into the leather?
Fable:Either leather or like chain. Do you think that's a good question?
Andrew:Is this vegan leather Like?
Fable:I don't think they care about that. They don't care if it's.
Andrew:If it's vegan, they're not vegan. Got it OK?
Joe:they're meat eater. Ok, OK, they're.
Fable:Well, you're hermit, you're out there by yourself. You got to eat something that's fair.
Joe:This is true, very true. I mean, you could forge just for for stuff.
Fable:But how long can you do that, the winter?
Joe:Well, look, I'm. I'm not a vegetarian in any way, shape or form, but they claim to be able to do that year round. I'm, I like my meat, I like a burger and a steak. Ok, so you're ruling out scale mail is what you say.
Andrew:I think I did chain mail. I think I think it would be cool it gives you a little extra protection of the leather.
Joe:Unless there was a thematic reason why you wanted to go with the leather, then I'd say, yeah, go with the chain, do you?
Andrew:do you want the, the light crossbow or any simple weapon? Do you want the darts? You could, you could always have the darts. Other other simple weapons You've got dagger, club, great club, hand axe, javelin, which I think you already selected. I did.
Joe:So hand axes also have the throne capability, in case you wanted to think about that concept.
Andrew:You always go with the boomerang.
Joe:Oh yeah, the boomerang too, that's true, the boomerang is fun.
Andrew:I'll leave it at javelin, since you already selected javelin.
Joe:It'll be subject to change and you can always pick it up whenever we go into town, because these weapons are not, these simple weapons are not that expensive.
Andrew:Now, do you want the priests pack or the explorers pack? So the priests pack includes a backpack blanket, 10 candles, tinder box, an alms box, two blocks of incense, a sensor, vestments, two days of rations and a water skin. Or the explorers pack, the backpack bedroll mesquite tinder box, 10 torches, 10 days of rations and a water skin. The pack also has 50 feet of hemp and rope strapped to the side of it. I'm thinking explorers pack.
Fable:Good choice, I agree. I think it's a good one.
Joe:The only reason they go with the priest pack is if that's going to be more how the character is and you want to kick, kick into a thematic aspect of it, yeah, and also if they're hermit, they don't really have much purpose for that. They can do their own stuff as a hermit, but the, but the cleric class would still be in the year, that concept. But I get you with the, I get you with the hermit.
Joe:The explorers pack would make more sense for a hermit, absolutely. So now you get a shield. So when you start to think about your weapon of choice, decide if you want to have a two handed weapon or a weapon that you can use one handed and get that plus two bonus right? I'm sorry, I'm talking to you like you haven't played before, really, yeah.
Andrew:It's okay, so I'm going to go with the hermit pack. So so you can have a holy symbol, an amulet, an emblem, real query or holy symbol, anything that you can describe. I think you should consider putting the moon on your shield. I like that so that's, that's just a thought. Again, it's your character, so that's just that's just what popped into into my head.
Fable:I can't see those options on my phone, so I'm trying to look on here. Does that say rosary?
Andrew:Reliquary, reliquary.
Joe:Reliquary is like a larger thing that's been blessed or has mystical powers that people tend to have. It kind of fits in with all of these terminologies and stuff like that, but it's more of a an actual relic than an actual, just like a little amulet or a little symbol. I'm thinking I might do like the shield would fit the relic, the reliquary concept.
Fable:I'm thinking I might do an amulet, cause you can't go wrong with that. Who an amulets always nice, I could also paint on the move to the shield anyway. So.
Joe:Yes, you could. So my thought about this and this is for more of a backstory aspect and again your character do what you want. Your discovery was that you might have been able to go and find something that disproves what everybody else always thought about the deity or whatever you could make, the, whatever you found. The amulet could have been this thing that you found that concluded or did some type of resolution to some big argument, and that would be an addition aspect for your story.
Fable:Maybe I have to think about it.
Fable:I'm I was thinking the amulet, because her sacred like gemstone, is moonstone. So you can make that into a.
Joe:Yeah, easily amulet.
Fable:Whatever you want. They also say that silver is the solidified Tears.
Joe:Oh, okay, I've always think I've, I've, I've read different novels and stuff like that. Silver is like solidified moon moonlight. So silver, anything silver.
Fable:It's a nice light, or her tears. Yeah, there, there was a couple of different routes with it, nice.
Joe:So you let us know when, the when, you figure that one out. I like that.
Andrew:Amulet, yeah, amulet, it is All right.
Joe:So, plus the hand hermit starting equipment. I love this. It's like the hermit star.
Andrew:How to start being a hermit. Here's your starter. Here's your starter. Here's your starter.
Joe:So it's the starting equipment for hermit in D&D. To be more precise, yes, you got to scroll case stuffed with notes from your studies or or your prayers, that's underneath other possessions. You get a winter blanket, which again makes sense. You're out in the hermitage or you're all by yourself. Common clothes, cause you don't tend to be overly fancy An herbalism kit and a pouch containing five gold. I always thought that was a little interesting. Why would a hermit have that much? But it works.
Andrew:Well, they, they, they don't have they, they, they're, they're probably selling stuff, but they, they live a very modest lifestyle, so it's not like they're they're spending their gold on on a lot of other things and savings.
Joe:The whole life savings. There you go Exactly.
Andrew:It's their whole their whole life savings in a, in a pouch.
Joe:So then get it, click the app.
Andrew:I know. I know what I'm doing.
Joe:Do you Something like the third time? We've done this on the podcast.
Andrew:I told you how many. I told you I've got like 40. I know.
Joe:I said on the podcast.
Andrew:Okay, All right, so much so much stuff. Now I'm going to remove one of these herbalism kits cause you don't need to remove item and you're wielding, all right. So you're going to wield the javelin, you're going to wear the shield.
Joe:Yeah, and the chainmail yeah.
Andrew:And the chainmail and use the backpack.
Joe:Yeah, yeah, all right, all right.
Andrew:So I think we're good right. I think that's everything All right. So let's go and let's move on to that. And now we're going to look at the actual character sheet for for Dal Right. Oh, you got an armor class of 18. That is nice, that's nasty, that is really nice. But you do have disadvantage on stealth because that chainmail.
Fable:That's all right. Probably Maybe, Well I doubt.
Andrew:Well, like dexterity wasn't one of your big points yeah.
Andrew:Your big ability scores anyway. So I don't, I don't think that's going to be a problem. Let's see what else. So you got strength plus one, dexterity plus one, constitution plus two. Intelligence plus one. Wisdom plus three. Very nice, yeah, cause look at, look at those hit DCs. You got a plus five for guiding bolt and inflict wounds, nice, very nice. Well, that's going to be, that's going to be a lot of fun. You got your resistance to fire, starting with 10 hit points. Now see again, your walking speed is going to be only 20 feet.
Joe:You need to have a 13 in order to wear heavy armor and not experience penalty. So the options are experience a 10, 10 foot movement penalty or switch to leather armor, and the 10 foot movement penalty obviously would just be during combat, which my my suggestion is leave it alone. So it has to be a 13 and needs to have a 13 for strength.
Andrew:So theoretically you could wait to level four and use your ability score increase to up up strengths of the 13 and then you're that that that's one way to do it.
Joe:But the thing is, the vast majority of combats they're not on huge fields, Right? So losing 10 feet, especially when half of your arsenal is arranged to tax anyway, it doesn't matter. Keep the extra armor class, yeah.
Andrew:I agree.
Fable:Sounds fine.
Andrew:Got it Good to know. See, we're just learning stuff left and right.
Joe:Everybody remember that for heavy armor.
Andrew:I feel like the star shooting across the sky.
Joe:The more you know. Yes, for heavy armor, you need a minimum strength of 13 in order to avoid a movement penalty. Got it?
Andrew:And that's a pretty big movement penalty 10 feet, that's a third of your, your movement. Again, though, it doesn't really, it's only every six, it's only, it's only every, every turn.
Joe:So it doesn't really matter for a character whose half of their attack is based upon range. Anyway it doesn't come into play, right? Well, we'll find out, unless Fable decides to change it. We'll see how the combat affects with a 20 movement speed in the first couple episodes. We'll find out. We'll see.
Fable:Stay tuned. This is my inflict wounds. It's a touch.
Joe:But you'll be in range on the second turn, definitely.
Joe:For sure It'll work out, unless we end up in some wide combat encounters which, having run this three times, I don't think there's many of them. Okay.
Andrew:No, I think we'll be in a good position for that. All right, Excellent. So we've got our third character, Dun dun dun. So exciting, Fable, thank you so much for joining us today on the podcast. This was great to have your insight on Tieflings and clerics both, so I'm very excited. Sometime shortly after the new year we will begin the actual play of Van Delver and Below the shattered obelisk with our three characters.
Joe:So mysterious.
Andrew:So, joe, you were going to say something about the group name.
Joe:So what was the name again?
Andrew:The hero. Was it the heroes of Havoc?
Joe:So we had between you and I basically decided that you were going to play the warlock Right and I was going to play the monk Right. The monk has a very low charisma, so we are.
Andrew:Typecast. Yeah Well not really typecast. I'm saying, you're typecast because you have low charisma.
Joe:Thank you, that's what this is. This is why it is because my natural personality would be to say something that is a mongling comment. That shouldn't be necessarily said so, therefore, but that's exactly what this character should.
Andrew:That's exactly what this character is, so I am typecast. Thanks a lot.
Joe:So that's my point here is that you know, the character is probably going to say things that probably shouldn't be said at certain times and awkward statements, which is something we kind of built into the backstory already. So it should be interesting. So the heroes of Havoc make sense, because I'm going to be running around causing Havoc and all is going to be. You know, every every two weeks is going to have something crazy happening, Changing with the moon.
Andrew:We don't. We don't know what to expect.
Joe:So so the warlock is going to be the same one.
Andrew:I don't, I don't know about that. I don't know, because the warlock is feeble. I mean, the warlock is barely going to be able to get himself out into the battle and then, and then all he's got to do is just draw off his strength to fire Eldritch Blast, and that's like that's it, so like he's going to have to just summon all of his strength just to cast a spell. Isn't he a drunk? What's that?
Fable:Isn't he a drunk?
Andrew:No, no, no. So so he, he has his vice, is that? Well, he loves the vices of the big city, especially hard drink. So he's not. He's not a drunk all the time.
Joe:He only drinks in the city.
Andrew:But when, when you're, when you're in a village or a town, he is going to take advantage of all the, the, the seedier side of try to steer away from taverns is what I'm hearing. That's, that's for sure Good luck.
Fable:Oh yeah.
Joe:It's going to be. He's going to be coming to you and be like can you, can you give me something for my hangover? Nope Ha, make him learn. Learn the lesson. I love it. Wow, suffer the consequences of your actions.
Andrew:Sorry, not sorry. So much love for my character.
Joe:All right. So yes, we were going to start that up in the new year. Yes, and then I believe we also discussed doing an analysis episode after the after the play through.
Andrew:Yes, so we're going to. So we're going to, we'll probably do. We'll probably set it up like every every month, do a, do a play through a, an actual play of of of Fandell Verne below. Do a recap episode and kind of a debrief analysis of of everything that happened and talk about it. As far as thing things you know, first level players want to one or and, as we grow, what things players want to keep in mind, we'll probably do some interview episodes as well.
Andrew:And we'll continue that, that part of it, and and maybe we'll we'll do some standalone topics We'll do some standalone topics as well. Yeah, and then we've got it, and then we've got our cooking segment, which, well, so I was actually going to introduce.
Joe:I hope I was thinking actually with the, the analysis episode I had to take up the same amount of time as everything. So I was thinking the cooking segment can be the, the, the tack on the back end. That would be amazing. And then we can. We can actually get back. We were doing legend in law. We can go back to doing the when we only did it once. That, the special loop you know. Remember we're doing, we're going to do a loot section.
Joe:Yes we can get back to that with the standalone episode. Absolutely, absolutely. So. We got a lot of exciting stuff coming in the new year, yeah, so I don't know what's going to happen the rest of this year.
Andrew:We'll we'll figure that out. But yeah, I have no clue. I've got no clue. What's what's coming up in the next month? We'll say but we've got so much planned for for the new year, so it's really exciting. We're looking forward to that. So so stick around and and we'll see you. We'll see you at the. Well, I don't want to say we'll see you after the holidays, because we'll probably do other episodes. But Well, we'll be releasing others episodes, but we might not record something together before the new year.
Joe:That's what it.
Andrew:that way, the, the, the full hopefully right after the beginning of the new year. We can, the three of us can well, the four of us really with with our DM, catherine can can get together and start this up and play, because Catherine is almost done with her MBA. Yay, so once. Once she finishes with that, then she'll be the true DM.
Andrew:She can focus on, on the, the, the module and and starting that up. But yeah, we got. There's so much, so much going on, so we'll say so. So thank you everyone. Thank you, joe for for being back for a couple episodes. This was great to have you. Have you back after the, the fall soccer season, so that was nice and fable. Thank you so much for joining us today. This has been really exciting. Nice to have you over at the house again. I'm not like I'm here for you, exactly, so maybe we'll do another podcast episode while you're when you're over, and sure we'll figure something out to talk about. Well, I'll be talking about packs unplugged. Yeah, so that that's coming up.
Joe:So that's next weekend.
Andrew:I am super psyched about that. Hopefully, hopefully, get some good interviews from that. I'm excited Matt Mercer is is like the keynote guest. Oh, that would be cool.
Joe:You can get these impressions from your impressions from his speak.
Andrew:Yeah, I'm super excited to hear what he has to say. I think I think Beatle and Grims is going to be there with a faster purple worm, worm kill, kill, and I think they're doing like a live episode there. Oh nice, so there's.
Joe:I want to hear you yelling, so I'm going to go ahead and say I want to hear you yelling so I can hear it on the YouTube.
Andrew:Absolutely so, anyway. So again, thank you all so much for for listening in. We look forward to our next episode and talking to you again.
Joe:Have a great day.