Legends, Loot, & Lore: A Players's Guide to Dungeons and Dragons
"Legends, Loot, & Lore" is a fun Dungeons and Dragons podcast where host Andrew and co-host Catherine dive into the thrilling realms of D&D, delivering news, tips, interviews, and fascinating tales of legendary adventures, all from the perspective of someone new to or interested in playing Dungeons and Dragons.
Legends, Loot, & Lore: A Players's Guide to Dungeons and Dragons
Culinary Chronicles in the Land of D&D: Where Food and Fantasy Meet
Roll a charisma check, because you're about to be charmed by our latest episode of Legends, Loot, and Lore! My wife Catherine and our trusty comrade Fable join me as we turn our D&D escapades into a feast for the senses, sampling culinary delights from the realm's finest cookbooks. Our taste buds embark on an epic quest with Dragon Salmon and Kender Loaf, while we plot the course for our dream Bemblebomble B&B, where every dish tells a story and every guest becomes part of the legend.
As the aroma of bread pudding fills the air, we share tales of character growth and personal discovery. Zanros, the rock gnome noble, and Dal Solace, the reclusive seeker of sacred texts, leap from the pages of our campaign and into your hearts. With each bite and battle, we explore themes of friendship and identity, and debate the practicalities of running an inclusive B&B that might just employ a former adversary or two. It's not just about rolling dice; it's about rolling out the welcome mat to a world where fantasy and hospitality intertwine.
Our adventure wouldn't be complete without recounting the tabletop trials that test our mettle and mold our future. The goblin Vincent—spared from a skirmish and now an unexpected addition to our B&B crew—proves that even the smallest characters can have the biggest impact. We close the lid on this session with a teaser of our next daring rescue. Light the hearth and pull up a chair; this is one gathering at the table you won't want to miss.
Heroes' Feast Cookbook
Flavors of the Multiverse Cookbook
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Music by June Westfield
Apple Music
Logo design by Ryan Denora
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Speaker 2:Is that copyrighted? Can we even? I don't know, I have no idea. Anyway, welcome everyone back to another fantastic episode of Legends, lute and Lore. Today I am here in the studio, aka the dining room, with Fable.
Speaker 1:Hello.
Speaker 2:Hello, fable and my lovely wife Catherine. Hello, otherwise known as Dal Solis and Zan Rose Bumblebumble, hi, there Soon to be of the Bumblebumble B&B Absolutely Very exciting. So today, today is a free for all. We're just going to talk about the yes, fable.
Speaker 1:We're trying out some dishes for the Bumblebumble B&B.
Speaker 2:Yes, this is, oh, that's, that's a great idea. So so we are. We are cooking some items from the official D&D cookbooks. We are cooking the the Dragon Salmon from Heroes Feast and we're doing the Kenderloaf from Flavors of the Multiverse, which is the newer one that just came out, heroes Feast, part Two cookbook. So so we're going to, we're going to, we've we've made the salmon, so we're going to, we're going to try that first and see how it is.
Speaker 2:The salmon itself really is just, you cook the salmon in a in a pan, and it's not very complicated Really. The the special part of this is the sauce, which is really just a, which is just shallots and a kind of wine and chicken broth reduction. So we're going to try that first. It was this, this is right. And then, after we get, after we get through all that, we're also going to discuss the previous episode of of actual play. So we're going to talk about kind of catch up with Zanros and and Dal and see how how things went in their, their first session and maybe, maybe, preview a little bit of what's to come and and we'll see what else, what else happens this episode. So welcome again everybody, we're happy to have you, and so let's let's talk a little bit about so. Catherine, this was really your first like official. You you've done some one shots and things like that, but this is really you. You DM'd Curse of Strahd Right, unknowingly that it was extremely difficult.
Speaker 3:Yes.
Speaker 2:And so you DM'd Curse of Strahd. But this is really your first official campaign, your first real character, that's living kind of outside of, outside of a one shot.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:So and and Fable Dal Dal solace, your character. So you've been playing D&D for how many years now? Three, three years, Three years, has it been three years?
Speaker 1:Two and a half.
Speaker 2:Something like that.
Speaker 1:Freshman year.
Speaker 2:Okay, so like two and a half, two and a half years, and this is, this is really your, your first like.
Speaker 1:Book campaign.
Speaker 2:Right, like like by the rules.
Speaker 1:Well, we started following the rules. You started following the rules, but in the beginning we all had no clue what we were doing, so it was a free for all Right, and we did not have enough money for the books, so it's been entirely homebrew, that's excellent.
Speaker 2:So this is this is both of your first times kind of in a in a Traditional D&D official campaign, which is Fan Delver and below the shattered obelisk, and you you started the adventure by all. High molder Mulder is joining the podcast. He's one of the downstairs cats. He's a brave boy. He is a very brave boy Very brave.
Speaker 1:He became a piece of my pet on. Wow, stay out.
Speaker 2:So. So we started the adventure. Everybody, everybody, kind of the typical. I just had you all meet at the tavern which I called the never winter in I need to come up with a more clever name, but but the Bumble Bumble B&B will be where these recipes will hopefully reside.
Speaker 3:Yeah, good stuff.
Speaker 2:So what did you so? What did you so? What was your kind of first feelings walking into the tavern?
Speaker 3:I was just trying to figure out how it was all going to come together, cause I came in first and then just kind of sat in a well, not in a corner, cause Dowl was in the corner, but sat down at a table by myself. So I was kind of just watching it unfold and waiting for my opportunity to jump in in a way that seemed natural.
Speaker 2:Right and I think I think we found a really good. It was a very organic, easy way to to chime in when you heard it was the talk of money and you're like, wait a second, I need money, I need some money. So that was, that was good. I like that. And what about you, fable? I'm just entering the tavern.
Speaker 1:Trying to figure out how to introduce myself about having like a nervous breakdown.
Speaker 2:Well, that's good you did. I think you did very well.
Speaker 3:Thank you.
Speaker 2:I think it went very well.
Speaker 3:I would agree.
Speaker 2:Excellent. So yeah, so you were both sitting at tables. So yeah, so we're, we're still, we're still in the process of making the Kendra Loaf, so we're stirring that up. So I don't want to, I don't want this to get any colder. So, let's, let's dig in. So let's dig into the dragon salmon and let's see what this is, what this is like. Well, you two start eating. I'm going to go over the, the recipe with with everybody. So in the, in the book, they've, they've got some it's really good.
Speaker 3:Is it really Say there?
Speaker 2:there you go. I steal this recipe for dinner, absolutely, it's really simple.
Speaker 2:It was super simple to make, so there there's always a little kind of backstory to these recipes. So on, there is the bread basket of Eberron's Corvair, and the on dare river is famous for the seafood that half elven anglers bring back to the markets of Fairhaven. They're a traditional preparation of the enormous salmon that spawn in the river, like much else in on there, relies heavily on sauces. So the sauce is a butter and dark wine reduction. Really it's. It's a very simple recipe. I mean the salmon you just, you just cook in a in a pan. They they are so good they're in a in a pan. They ask for two tablespoons of oil, which I feel like is a lot, so I used a little bit less than that. The less oil for me the better. It's a nonstick pan, so so you really don't need that much oil to to cook it. It just, it just helps get a nice crispy skin on the on the salmon. So you need some oil, but not not a ton.
Speaker 3:They also didn't specify olive oil in there anywhere.
Speaker 2:They. They ask for a neutral tasting oil which is vegetable, canola, safflower or grape seed. I'm just a fan of olive oil, so that's what I used. Really, your again. The sauce is is the star of the show. It's just one one shallot, some fresh thyme, the. We use a red Zindvendell, the gnarly was it the gnarly tree? Yes, the gnarly tree wine is what we used. Low sodium chicken broth and some chives for garnish, which I didn't put on there.
Speaker 1:I should we grab the chives.
Speaker 2:So I'm going to take now, finally, I'm going to take my first bite of this. Let's see. Let's see how it is with the, with the shallots. Very good, mmm, ooh, that is good. You don't need to hear me chewing on air, my goodness. All right, so. So let's start with, so refresh my memory, what happened in the, what happened in the tavern?
Speaker 1:Mmm.
Speaker 3:So Equium got the letter from the half orc bartender right that came from Gundren.
Speaker 1:My shepherd's pie was stolen and my horns were Observed. Weird comments about the horns.
Speaker 2:Equium really liked your horns.
Speaker 3:Yeah, can we just say that Equium is a real weird dude, while James isn't here to defend himself?
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 3:Wow.
Speaker 2:He's an interesting character, so it's okay. So Equium, you're okay, so Equium is a little.
Speaker 3:He's odd.
Speaker 2:Idiosyncratic Sure, if you want to call it that.
Speaker 3:Maybe you can certainly.
Speaker 2:He has a strange fascination with Dallas horns, very strange fascination. Well, in his defense, you don't see many tieflings. Okay, they're not very, this is true, they're an uncommon race. So so, to be fair, he is probably not coming to contact with many tieflings, and at least he may have seen them, but maybe never even had the chance to interact with them one on one. So so, this being his first encounter with a tiefling, an actual encounter with a tiefling, he's got questions.
Speaker 3:I feel like it would be walking up to a human and going hey, I like your ears. Do you have to shine your ears?
Speaker 1:Like that inmate. You know what I'm.
Speaker 2:Well, if you're going to talk about inmates, you need to explain.
Speaker 3:Okay. So the other morning I was scrolling through Instagram when I received a suggestion from the Idaho Board of Corrections and there's an entire Instagram account. Hold on, because I know everyone will want to follow up. Let me see what the name of it is. Again, it is. I just pulled a Joe Fatoni to do. To do it.
Speaker 2:You were to do, to do, to do it.
Speaker 3:I was humming, you're humming, I was humming. Okay, so it is called Idaho inmate, pen pal and it is just short reels of inmates who want. Sure, we'll say pen pals, we don't want to say prison girlfriends. I guess no.
Speaker 1:Some of them are hashtag by pride, though that's true.
Speaker 3:And some of them are gay and looking for men. I shouldn't, I shouldn't generalize the fun part, and what Fable and I enjoyed doing last night was trying to figure out what their offenses were before looking at their offenses.
Speaker 1:I'm scarily accurate yeah.
Speaker 3:Fable was really good. Fable figured out the guy who committed murder. He seemed pretty cool until you think about the fact that he murdered someone.
Speaker 1:You thought that one guy was nice and then he was a. What was it? Assault and arson Was it. Was he assault?
Speaker 3:and arson. It was assault and arson. They all come across as nice, which is not all of them. They all come across as trying to be friendly. Yeah, but they're not necessarily good guys. But anyway, that is what we were talking about.
Speaker 2:Yes, I wouldn't judge killers Because, if I recall correctly, well, did either of you kill one of the goblins? I know, callie. I didn't Callie. Oh oh, I see a hand. I see a hand. Yes, I did kill one. You did kill a goblin.
Speaker 3:Did you know that the guys on the Idaho estate, Penpal, who are murderers, murdered actual human people?
Speaker 1:Yeah, they have a weird fascination with feet. That was brought up so many times. You know what I'm talking about. How many videos were there Five or six? Yeah, it was odd.
Speaker 2:They've got the inmates have a thing for feet.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:Interesting, I would send them pictures of hobbit feet. Check these out. Check out these hairy appendages.
Speaker 1:Hope is also eating much of us.
Speaker 2:Hope is joining us. How nice.
Speaker 3:Everyone's here today. Wow, all right.
Speaker 2:So you all met. You all eventually met up, joined forces in the tavern and then you headed out the next day.
Speaker 3:Yes, yes, thanks. So tell us what we're doing.
Speaker 2:So tell us what was your night, like you know, before your big adventure. So have you. Has Zanros ever really left, Neverwinter before?
Speaker 3:No, but members of her family have. So she knows kind of what to expect as she goes out in the world and she's also at least as I'm trying to play her very confident that she is. I don't know, she's confident of her place in the world.
Speaker 2:Zanros is confident in her place in the world, but never explored outside, right, she's never been outside of Neverwinter Okay.
Speaker 3:But that kind of fuels her desire to not only kind of forge out on her own but also to do something independent of her family. I feel like Zanros is kind of me. When I went to college, wanted to get as far away from my family as possible and figure myself out, and that's kind of where she is, because she's relatively young for a rock gnome Right. What is she 55?
Speaker 2:55,. I believe yeah, yeah.
Speaker 3:Which, in the grand scheme of things, is probably her early 20s and human years. So yeah, she's at the point in her life where she's trying to figure stuff out.
Speaker 2:Right, that makes complete sense. I'll be curious to see how that plays out in the story to come. Is she overconfident?
Speaker 3:I think so.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 3:I think she comes across as a little aggressive with the goblins, but I think part of that too is that she's already, I think, starting to become very fond of her traveling companions. She finally feels like she fits in somewhere that's not just her family.
Speaker 2:I see.
Speaker 3:So she's going to be exceedingly loyal toward them, and anybody that threatens them is almost immediately going to be her enemy.
Speaker 2:Right, yeah, you've been very brusque with the people that you've come.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that, I think, is partially just her personality, yeah.
Speaker 2:Because I remember the bartender, the half-orc. You were very.
Speaker 3:He was ignoring me.
Speaker 2:He couldn't see you.
Speaker 3:Has he never served a person who was not bar tight before?
Speaker 2:But he's busy. He's busy tending bar. There's a lot of things going on.
Speaker 1:He's just talking about the maturity of gnomes, so she would be an adult because they mature at the same rate as humans. But like college, figuring shit out, phase yeah.
Speaker 2:I mean definitely adult.
Speaker 1:but Young adult Young adult.
Speaker 3:I mean you're an adult when you go to college.
Speaker 2:You absolutely are. You are an adult when you go to college, but you're definitely still in that. Maybe you've just graduated college on your own for the first time, figuring life out. Yeah, I feel like there's a TV show coming about this A young gnome striking out into the world on her own with her teethling and wizard friend. Yes.
Speaker 3:Don't forget, callie.
Speaker 2:Never forget Callie. Callie the destroyer.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, I definitely wanted to play her brusque. She's not used to being around a lot of people other than her family, so I don't think she's ever really had to. Well, I guess people would visit the family because they're nobles, but other than having to be very, I think, appropriate in that kind of setting, she hasn't really been around people who might just be her friends Interesting.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean this is really Probably the first people that are befriending her, not because of her nobility, they don't really. I mean because we said equium is probably because of the amount of time that he's spent in Neverwinter. Yeah, he's probably familiar with the bumblebumbles, but doesn't really care about your status or anything like that. He has nothing to do with that. So it's really just being friends with you for who you are. And I think that's really nice.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and I don't think she's ever had that before, so that's something she's going to have to adjust to.
Speaker 2:Yes, I just I really find this interesting, for I think there's a lot of depth to Zan Rose's story.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I mean, that's what I'm trying to do is to give her personality beyond just oh. She comes from nobility and she's had everything handed to her, but she actually wants to do something for herself. She doesn't? I think she'd almost be bored just staying at home and living that life with her family. She wants to do something outside of her comfort zone, outside of what she knows.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so speaking of coming out of their comfort zones, fable, your character, dal Salis, is mostly a hermit in the Neverwinterwood. Yes, dalton isn't a big fan of coming to the big city, only comes there for necessities. Yeah. So what is driving your character? I think we talked about this a little bit, but let's dive into this deeper. What's really driving your character to join up with others, which I think is very against, very like opposite of your personality?
Speaker 1:Yeah, this is not something they would typically do, but I think they saw that this would benefit them and decided they might as well just do it.
Speaker 2:So what is so important in Fandelen that you're willing to come out of your hermitage and join up with others? You know, put yourself at risk. What is what's so important?
Speaker 1:Her deity. That's the main reason why she's doing this. She wants to find out either what the relic is, what the text is. There's something in Fandelen that sister, sister G sister Gareth.
Speaker 2:Garriel, sister Garriel.
Speaker 1:That she heard about in Neverwinter and she just has to go and check it out. She has to see what it is.
Speaker 2:Interesting. This must be pretty important. What are you hoping to find?
Speaker 1:I'm hoping to find a certain text or artifact, but more so a text on Selune. There we go. I got finally pronounced it right.
Speaker 2:Excellent. So, your deity, you're hoping to find a text. What are you? Are you hoping that this text is gonna reveal something about the deity, reveal something about your purpose, like, what is, what is this going to unlock? Do you know, can you?
Speaker 1:She's hoping to get something back.
Speaker 2:Get something back. Ooh, are we allowed to know that, or is that a deep secret of Dall's?
Speaker 1:I guess you'll have to find out later.
Speaker 2:Ooh interesting, very interesting. Now my curiosity is peaked, all right, so Dall is on the hunt for a sacred text about Seluna. Did I say that right, seluna, or?
Speaker 1:Selune.
Speaker 2:Selune, the deity. This is the moon goddess. Yes, it is Okay. So there's an ancient text about the moon goddess that you're hoping is going to reveal something to you. Now they're hoping to get it back.
Speaker 1:They're hoping to get it back, so this is something that belonged to.
Speaker 2:Dall. Yeah, oh, and it was taken by whom?
Speaker 1:You'll have to find out later, and I really want to know.
Speaker 2:I would really like to know what it could be that has been taken from you.
Speaker 1:Let's just say there's a reason she's a hermit and doesn't like other people Was Dall at some point not a hermit.
Speaker 2:No, they were not a hermit at all. So the taking of this text is what caused Dall to become a hermit. Yes Ooh, they were betrayed by someone close to them Betrayal, betrayal. Yes, Ooh, I like this. This is all. This is good stuff.
Speaker 1:They were always socially awkward, but they were never a hermit.
Speaker 2:Until they were betrayed by someone close to them. Now they've kind of shut themselves off from the world, wow.
Speaker 1:If you don't have friends, they can't hurt you, so this is very out of her comfort zone.
Speaker 2:I see, you see, yeah, so how are you feeling about your traveling partners? So we've got Zanros, who is kind of feeling like this is now kind of I mean, it's still early, but potentially a found family. That is not, that doesn't care about her status or her upbringing or anything like that. So Zanros has a very positive feeling about Dahl and Iquium and Callie. So what is your character's feeling about your traveling party? Do you trust them? Are you opening up to them at all? Like what's going on?
Speaker 1:I think it'll take a while for her to completely trust them and she hasn't opened up much, but she's becoming friends with Bumblebumble Bottom Bumblebumble.
Speaker 2:Bumblebumble, bumblebumble, the Bumblebumble B&B that's fun to say For. Bbgs.
Speaker 1:And BBGs.
Speaker 2:And BBGs yes.
Speaker 1:I think they're starting to become friends with Bumblebumble because they're both incredibly socially awkward, just in different ways. And it's like a kindred spirit thing and they're still mildly weirded out by Iquium. But you can see he's not really, he's harmless.
Speaker 2:I get the weirded out part. I mean it was just, I mean again for someone who's a hermit to have someone really like be so fascinated by your horns. So let's talk about your horns. So do you polish your horns? What is the care and upkeep for Dow's?
Speaker 1:horns. I don't think it's Dow's horns. I don't polish them. I was kind of trying to come up with this on the fly Right.
Speaker 2:Okay, so Dow polishes her horns Interesting, keeps them shiny Nice. What do you use to polish them?
Speaker 1:I don't know, I don't polish things. Give me a bit to Google search and I will give back to you Like a wax? Probably a wax. Maybe like a beeswax I was gonna say beeswax if they're in the middle of nowhere?
Speaker 2:Right, yeah.
Speaker 1:That's probably the most readily available.
Speaker 2:That makes sense. Interesting, very nice, interesting. So there's a lot going on with your characters. This is fascinating. So what did you think of your first encounter? So you came upon these two horses that were just kind of in the middle of the road. Clearly, clearly, there had been an altercation, something happened. Stuff there were just scraps and things strewn around on the path. So what was your first reaction to coming up on this scene?
Speaker 3:I feel like I just wanted to just keep going right, because my end goal is get the money open, the B&B, so I don't want to have to deal with nonsense. Of course, now I see it as a recruitment opportunity, so Right, right, right, interesting.
Speaker 2:Okay, so you're very single-minded. Get to Fan Daillon, Get the gold, yep.
Speaker 3:But it's only 10 gold pieces. It's a start.
Speaker 1:Anything's a start.
Speaker 2:You were only promised 10 gold pieces to.
Speaker 3:Right, but I mean, so am I allowed to say what I'm inheriting? That gets us to the B&B.
Speaker 2:You can. I think that's known to you, so Knownst to me Unbeknownst to you, but knownst to me Correct, unbeknownst to our listeners, but knownst to you.
Speaker 3:What is it? The tracender Bread? Oh yes, the bread is ready.
Speaker 2:The bread is ready.
Speaker 3:Baby, let me go check it.
Speaker 2:Let's go check that out.
Speaker 3:So, while you're going to, I know, really I mean I didn't get to the bottom.
Speaker 1:Man. It was one time the shallots hypnotized me.
Speaker 2:Right, it was tasty shallots.
Speaker 1:It was tasty shallots.
Speaker 2:I'm excited about this, kendra Love.
Speaker 1:Yes, well, it's a labor of love.
Speaker 2:So, my God, that was so. So if any of you are looking in, this is this recipe is from the flavors of the multiverse cookbook. Kendra Love is not a simple recipe. It sounds it kind of like, looks simple. It's a lie, but when you get into the directions it is. It is complicated and there are a lot of steps and I am really hoping it's there's a big payoff.
Speaker 1:We heard we learned the hard lesson, which is read the recipe before we're like, oh, that is good, let's choose an easy recipe, okay.
Speaker 3:The toothpick is coming out clean, so, oh, all right, so we're going to let that cool. Do we want to talk about this while we're talking about this?
Speaker 2:Well, let's, let's finish our conversation about what's, what's sending Zan Rose to Sure To fan Daelyn.
Speaker 3:So what is it? The tricender manner? Is that what I'm? Yes, the family has inherited the tricender manner and that's where she's headed, so she's already got the spot right.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 3:And let's assume she's saved some money, but any opportunity she sees to get more money Right.
Speaker 1:And ultimately, If it's on the way, why pass it up? Yeah?
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, I think that's really it Right. And you know, now she's realizing hey recruitment opportunity. Yeah.
Speaker 2:So this is a recruitment opportunity now for for Zan Rose to to get people, to get people to work for her in the in the BNB, because obviously I mean this is, this is kind of where you want to settle, yeah.
Speaker 3:Cause she's going to stay there and run the in. And I mean, I think maybe, as she goes along and and her personality develops, I think she'll start to realize that she's going to have to soften up a bit, because if she doesn't, how is she ever going to run a BNB that people are actually going to want to stay at?
Speaker 2:Correct.
Speaker 3:BNB, where she employs. You know just all the guys that she came up against who wanted to initially fight her.
Speaker 2:That's the way to do it. Well, that that that's what they were employed to do. It's not like they wanted to, it's not like their. Their initial reaction was like yeah, we're going to fight. We're going to fight people they were getting paid to. They were getting paid to rob and plunder people that were traveling on on this path.
Speaker 3:Right, and now they'll be getting paid to design their own uniforms and perform at the BNB customer service Interesting.
Speaker 2:So so what? So what job do you think the goblins would have in the BNB? What? What would be their? What would be their role?
Speaker 3:Well, I mean, I think there's a little bit of everything, right? Okay, You're going to need somebody to do housekeeping, you're going to need people to cook, you're going to need entertainment. You're going to need front desk. You're going to need people to carry luggage, like a bellhop situation. Right, you're going to need a caretaker, and you know there's going to be multiple shifts.
Speaker 2:Sure, that makes perfect sense.
Speaker 3:And I feel like the trissender manner is large enough that I can both house them on site and keep enough guest rooms to be profitable. Yeah.
Speaker 2:I mean that's the thing, Like where, where are they going to, when are they going to live? Like I mean, do you think the manner is big enough to support, to house all the employees?
Speaker 3:I think so I mean they're all going to have their own rooms. They can double up. It'll be like a cruise ship.
Speaker 2:Okay, I think that would work.
Speaker 3:I feel like they're still going to have nicer accommodations than living in a cave on a cot.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 3:So it's still a step up for them.
Speaker 2:It certainly is. I would think so. So I'm just curious what kind of jobs are going to have when they get to, when you actually get the BNB up and running.
Speaker 3:I think we need to recognize the unique talents of each of these. Well, I mean, they probably won't all be goblins by the time we get there All right.
Speaker 2:The likelihood that you'll convince others to be in your employ is there's a high likelihood that that's going to happen.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and I don't think it'll just be goblins, because the whole idea for Zanroth is that she wants everyone to be welcome at the BNB, so everyone is also welcome to be employed at the BNB.
Speaker 2:Now remember, you're coming into Fandaland, so, or Fandaland again, whatever you like to pronounce it. So there are plenty. There are a lot of people already living here, so you could certainly explore the town and try to convince other people to work for you.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I mean there's also the opportunity for partnerships with local vendors so that I can have locally sourced food and drink.
Speaker 2:Ooh, a little farm to table kind of concept. Nice, I like where you're going with this. Thank you, locally sourced produce and meats. Meats Interesting.
Speaker 3:Yeah, herbs, herbs.
Speaker 2:So so I don't know if we discussed this, but, like I know you're going to be going to you, you're taking possession of the Tresender Manor. However, it hasn't been occupied by the Bumblebumble family for some time, so there may be squatters and other people in the Manor currently that you might have to dispatch.
Speaker 3:Well, it's a good thing I got these friends now, that isn't it, because by the time we get there, I think we're going to be pretty bonded.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 3:And I'm pretty sure that they'll be happy to help me.
Speaker 2:I think you're right. So what's going to? What's going to, what's going to happen, Like, what do you, where do you see yourself in five years?
Speaker 3:I think I will happily be running my B&B.
Speaker 3:I feel that Zan Rose will be an excellent boss when she has the opportunity to be because at the core of it, yes, she's brusque and she's definitely got a little bit of a chip on her shoulder, but ultimately she's a kind person. I mean, she doesn't want the dog to be shot. I think she loves animals and I think she will come to understand that people are also there to be her friends. But it's going to take her a little time to figure that out. And by people I mean all creatures, you know, whoever shows up.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 3:Um, but yeah, I think in five years hopefully she's successfully running the B&B and you know it's, it's a bit of a destination for people.
Speaker 2:I think, I think so. I mean, who's going to be doing your marketing? Who's going to market the, the, the bimblebomble, b&b?
Speaker 1:Equium and all the taverns he frequents. That's a good idea.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. I mean, that makes sense, but are you? Are you going to be serving alcohol?
Speaker 3:Are you going to compete with the local taverns, or Well, I wonder if we can't partner with the local taverns.
Speaker 2:Okay, that's interesting.
Speaker 3:You know, you, you, there's got to be a way to um maybe a local brewery, Maybe you could.
Speaker 2:maybe you could have local micro brews.
Speaker 3:Sure, and maybe we work with a local vineyard.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I think there's a lot of opportunity.
Speaker 2:There really is a lot of opportunity here and I think, and I think Fandolin is a great place to do that. Again, it's, it's on the verge of you know, it's it's kind of a frontier town at the moment.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:But I I think something like the like the bimblebomble B&B could really put it on the map. I mean, technically it's already on the map, but I mean.
Speaker 3:So I mean we could take this town from Walnut Grove to Mankato.
Speaker 2:Absolutely.
Speaker 3:That's where all my little house on the prairie stands.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah.
Speaker 3:Fable is laughing at me.
Speaker 1:You know little house on the prairie. We were just talking about it last night.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I know exactly Quick at Doc Baker.
Speaker 3:Yeah, well, where was he when mom needed him, when she had that leg infection and everybody else was gone? Now where she had to slice it open herself.
Speaker 2:I know, is that where Albert got his morphine addiction from. Was he stealing it from Doc Baker?
Speaker 1:I feel like I missed him season.
Speaker 2:That was a very a very special episode of little house on the prairie.
Speaker 3:Teenage Catherine had the biggest crush on him.
Speaker 2:Really.
Speaker 3:Albert Ingalls. Oh my gosh, yes.
Speaker 2:He was so cute. Yeah, he was a cutie.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:He's no manly yeah.
Speaker 3:Dean Baker was pretty good looking too.
Speaker 2:Oh man.
Speaker 3:I liked him better as Buffy's dad, though, yeah.
Speaker 2:All right, so enough of the little house on a little house on the prairie tangent. Let's talk about our next recipe Coming from the flavors of the multiverse cookbook. Catherine, do tell what. What do we have here?
Speaker 3:It's kenderloaf, so it has also been called Raston pastry. It's a filling, reason-spec dessert to round out a hearty meal. However, in its earlier incarnations, raston pastry dated back to the first dragon war, when not even scraps of stale bread could be discarded. Crests of stale bread were habitually tossed into a basin and later mashed to create livestock feed. But the kender saw an opportunity. Stale bread was separated from other half finished morsels soaked in water, sugared, spiced and dried, then served up as what was known as kenderloaf, the pre-owned bread. So popular was kenderloaf that the process was refined with eggs, cream and spices evolving into the bread puddings we know today.
Speaker 1:I just tried it. It's very good.
Speaker 3:It's delightful. So for this we used a pound of Italian bread, half a cup of granulated sugar. They gave you the option for lemon or orange zest. We went with orange, two teaspoons light brown sugar, cinnamon, half and half, two eggs and two egg yolks, vanilla extract, kosher salt, a cup of golden raisins and then five tablespoons of unsalted butter. A little, as you already talked about labor intensive on this one.
Speaker 3:So, then we thought we kind of thought, since it was using an already baked loaf of bread, that it would be a little bit easier, but it basically has a number of parts to the recipe Stages yeah, so the first is ripping out the middle of the bread and tearing the pieces up and then baking them to toast them basically, because that's, I guess, that sort of stale texture.
Speaker 3:And then you soak the toasted bread pieces in the half and half egg yolk, cinnamon sugar mixture, and then you put that in the bread shell which has the butter and the brown sugar, and then bake it, for it was 35 to 40 minutes.
Speaker 2:I gotta say sorry, my mouth has been full eating the Kendra loaf. This is delicious. Yeah, it came out really nice. I think orange zest was the way to go.
Speaker 3:I agree because you really taste the orange zest. Yeah, that was Fable's call.
Speaker 2:Excellent call Fable on using the orange zest. I completely, wholeheartedly agree with that decision. It's absolutely delicious. I could eat many pieces of this, for sure.
Speaker 3:I mean I'm definitely on piece number two.
Speaker 2:Are you now Mm-hmm? Excellent. So let's ask the question Is this going to? This is basically a dessert, so would this dessert make it on the Bumble Bumble B&B menu?
Speaker 3:Yeah, I think so I think so.
Speaker 2:I mean because here's the thing, though, I mean B&B, I mean it's bed and breakfast, so you're not really. Are you really serving dinner, or Absolutely Would you?
Speaker 3:I think she'd be serving all of the meals.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:Because you're going to bed and then you're waking up and having breakfast.
Speaker 3:And I mean, would I miss the opportunity to make Bumble, Bumble Bread pudding?
Speaker 1:And more money. What? Absolutely.
Speaker 2:I completely agree. I think this is a great menu item and you can and you can make so much of it at a given time, so Do I think that's a think you mean the goblins can. I don't know if I own goblins making my dessert. Like I don't know what they're I Mean, I guess they'd wash their hands, are they? Are they known to be clean, clean, cleanly?
Speaker 3:Are you questioning the cleanliness of the bevel bomb?
Speaker 2:all B&B has the help. One was the health inspector through here last time. I mean, I haven't opened it yet, so oh I say.
Speaker 3:I'm saying there will be cleanliness standards and they will be adhered to you don't need Gordon Ramsay and hotel hell coming through here. Good thing it got canceled so many years ago.
Speaker 2:Fair point, excellent. So this is so this recipe is is a winner. I Think I think it's a winner. I think this is this is a great dessert and and definitely the dragon, the dragon salmon.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yes, oh, my goodness, I really like it table almost murdered themselves for it.
Speaker 2:So yeah, you almost died. You almost died in in pursuit of more shallots. Totally worth it, hey. But here's the thing you could. You could really make that sauce and Put it on multiple things. It doesn't have to. It doesn't necessarily have to be salmon. It's very good with salmon. I mean, I'm a big salmon fan, so so that that's convenient. I could see that even on chicken All right. I think it would go nicely with chicken as well. I'm not sure other other fish types, but I Feel like you could put that over steak too.
Speaker 2:Yeah would you really put that on the steak?
Speaker 1:Interesting.
Speaker 2:I mean, I guess the like a red wine reduction would be would be good. Yeah, that'd be interesting. I try that. You know. The only, the only criticism I have and it's not on the recipe itself I May not have. I may not reduce it as much the next time. Make it, make it a little saucier, because I think, I think it ended up by the time I, by the time I took it off the heat there was there was almost no liquid left, like I feel. Like I feel like the shallots really like absorbed Whatever wine and chicken broth was there. So I'd probably reduce it because I think they said I think they said let it simmer from six To eight minutes and I did it more on the eight minute side. So I'd probably do it, maybe like five to six minutes.
Speaker 3:We also probably had more shallots than they were expecting. Yeah because we got a really big Shallot we got a like shallots.
Speaker 2:Yes, yeah, that was a really big shallot, so so, yeah. So there, there's a few things I do differently. Next time I definitely let it be a little saucier. This was, this was more just the shallots absorbing the, the liquid itself. So so that would be my one. The one thing I would do differently but I would definitely do that again it was it was very un uncomplicated and it was easy preparation. I mean, it's just the shallots, butter, wine, chicken broth and what a whole time.
Speaker 2:And then chives and then chives to top it. Yeah, yeah, because all you do is all you do is you melt the, you put the first tablespoon of butter in and you saute the. You saute the, the shallots and the thyme, and once that, once those get kind of cooked down, then you, you pour in the wine and the chicken broth and just let it simmer To reduce, yeah, and right at the end you put in the other tablespoon of butter just to kind of make it a little more creamy.
Speaker 3:That was it it was again very simple.
Speaker 2:So that's great, great simple recipe to do that that one is in heroes feast and the Kendra love.
Speaker 3:I mean, it's not that complex. It just takes a little more time than what we were expecting.
Speaker 1:The steps are easy, it's just the waiting in between. Yeah, what gets you?
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm.
Speaker 3:Mm-hmm Andrew's chewing and I asked him not to talk while he's chewing because I have misophonia and I'm sure there are people listening to the podcast who also have misophonia and I don't want them to stop listening to the podcast because of the chewing, because that actually happened to me with one.
Speaker 1:It was that happened to me with breathing. Oh yeah it drives me insane.
Speaker 3:I was listening to a podcast and he was interviewing one person and she kept drinking. So it was just constant like gulping and I couldn't do it. I had to stop listening.
Speaker 2:Wow.
Speaker 3:Wow yeah.
Speaker 1:I was thrown up.
Speaker 3:I would have to stop see, people are very sensitive to noises.
Speaker 1:Chewing noises and breathing noises put me in a rage.
Speaker 3:I get mad chewing noises are really cute when they're animals, though, just not people right, like I love. I love those videos so cute.
Speaker 1:My mom. She's like oh so you don't like eating sounds, but you like the animals.
Speaker 3:Like it's different, my mother and I talk about that all the time, that it's adorable when animals chew but not when humans do. Yes, I said to her video of bunnies chewing the other day was so cute. But yeah, nobody wants to listen to people.
Speaker 2:No, nobody wants to listen to people, especially me, but this was delicious. So thank you for thank you for fable and Catherine making this, because you're the ones that really did. Did you forget my name? What?
Speaker 3:you paused before you said Catherine, and I said did you forget my name?
Speaker 2:No, so here here, here's what happened with that, so thank you, computer wife.
Speaker 3:I'm not a real person.
Speaker 2:So so I said fable, and then I was about to say your name and I'm like and I said, wait, did I say doll or fable? Oh so. I had a pause to remember that I called you fable and not doll, so I knew not to call you Xanrose and call you Catherine. So that was, that was that brief pause. My brain had to stop and rewind, play back, play back there the what I just said, and then and then move forward again.
Speaker 2:So strike that reverse it exactly so that that's what that was. The the the brain pause. There.
Speaker 1:You actually heard my brain Functioning so you're the computer wife because you restarted.
Speaker 2:I did. I'm an AI chatbot, yes, anyway. So so what out? What other? So, okay, so, yes, we already recorded the next episode of Of the actual play. However, what are you, what are you excited about Going going into that? So you, you killed Callie, killed two of the of the goblins, made them little chew toys and then, dall, you killed the third.
Speaker 1:I killed the one that shot Callie you killed the one that I thought.
Speaker 2:I thought Vincent Shot Callie. It wasn't. You shot the one that you. You killed one that shot Callie.
Speaker 1:Didn't another? Wasn't it another one that shot Callie? Didn't two people shoot Callie?
Speaker 3:I think so.
Speaker 1:I think it was Vincent and one other and Vincent was just the one that happened to be got it.
Speaker 2:Got it, okay. So you kid, you killed the other one that had taken the shot at Callie, so that's good. So I think it was funny because James and I were talking about this. So he was going to have Callie attack and kill the remaining goblin. I was saying James and I were having a conversation. He was initially sending Callie, so we talked about the speed, the movement speed of the goblin, which is 30 feet. Callie's movement speed is 50 feet. So he had Callie chase down the other goblin and his intention was to kill the other goblin. But I think he saw the look in my eyes from across the table and was like please don't do that, and he decided to despair the life of the goblin and just I think he said fetch.
Speaker 1:He said fetch, fetch me their femur. That's your line, yes, no, but he used it.
Speaker 2:Did he say fetch me their femur?
Speaker 1:I thought you just said fetch. I swear to God. He said fetch me their femur. Maybe I'm delirious.
Speaker 2:Maybe I don't know, but either way, he had Callie fetch, the remaining goblin, who I am now, based on the conversations, I think I am going to name him. We talked about this earlier. I'm gonna name him Chadwick Kyle St Vincent.
Speaker 1:But his chosen name was Vincent.
Speaker 2:Yes, because, well, that's his last name. But his first name is Chadwick, His middle name is Kyle and then the last name is St Vincent, but govins typically go by their last name and he is employee number one of the Bumble Bumble B&B. What his actual position is, we don't know yet.
Speaker 3:But he will be our first employee of the month.
Speaker 2:Here's my thought. I have a thought for Chadwick Kyle, st Vincent Millay, because he's going to be your spokesperson, so I think he should be in HR as a recruiter. He is the one recruiting others, so I think he's your HR slash recruiter for the Bumble Bumble B&B.
Speaker 3:Sure, that's fine.
Speaker 2:You need HR.
Speaker 3:Do B&Bs usually have HR?
Speaker 1:They probably outsource, but I mean I mean with Bumble Bumble's blunt attitude. You might need HR.
Speaker 3:I don't know what you mean.
Speaker 2:You need HR.
Speaker 3:Zanros is charming, charming.
Speaker 2:Zanros will be called to HR many times.
Speaker 3:Yeah well, let's just remember who owns the B&B.
Speaker 2:You can't say that, Zanros I can fire whoever I want.
Speaker 3:I own this place.
Speaker 2:And a fire HR.
Speaker 3:I can fire HR. That'll go well. If I want to fire HR, why did I even hire HR?
Speaker 2:You're going to have so many lawsuits. Goblins are a litigious sort.
Speaker 3:Are they yes?
Speaker 1:I feel like one of the party members made you get HR.
Speaker 3:Are they going to unionize?
Speaker 2:They might unionize.
Speaker 3:Yeah, they might. That's right, that's all right. I support the union. The goblin the B&B worker union Local. Local 666.
Speaker 2:Local 666 of the goblin union. Goblin union of Fandalon.
Speaker 3:Kyle Chadwick, Carl Vincent.
Speaker 2:Chadwick, Kyle, St Vincent, Malay.
Speaker 3:He'll be the spokesperson, the spokesperson goblin.
Speaker 2:He is. He is the spokesperson goblin because he's from HR, so he knows the laws, the rules and regulations that you should be abiding by. That you're not, but you claim it's going to be a very clean kitchen.
Speaker 3:Absolutely.
Speaker 1:So that you got it doesn't mean not rude.
Speaker 2:No, no, of course, but what I'm saying is just I mean, you're not going to get dinged for having a dirty kitchen, right? So you got that going for you.
Speaker 3:Can we just talk about how hard Fable left when I did the Xan Rose voice the first time?
Speaker 2:I believe there was covering of the mouth to avoid laughing out loud.
Speaker 3:It's funny.
Speaker 2:It was funny.
Speaker 3:Let me tell you I had to sort throughout the whole next day because we did five hours. Wow, child's play. Do you do a voice the whole time? Exactly, I laugh a lot.
Speaker 2:Not the same, all right. So let's do this, let's wrap things up, let's give our listeners a little preview of what's coming in the next episode. So what happened right at the end of last week's episode?
Speaker 3:So we ended with Vincent right. We finished that battle.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 3:And then we were going to keep moving along, because now we've got the horses and the wagon, so we know that Gundren and the guy that Gundren's traveling with are somewhere.
Speaker 2:Sildar.
Speaker 3:Sildar.
Speaker 2:Well, because, remember, you were standing on the back of the horse and you noticed something in the saddlebag of the horse and you pulled out a journal that was the property of. It was marked as the property of Gundren Rockseeker, so you knew these were Gundren's horses. And I believe when you questioned Vincent, he told you that they were brought back to the cave. And then you were trying to figure out how many goblins were at the cave. And I think that's where you were, on to the cave to try to rescue Gundren and Sildar and recruit more goblins than whoever else to be employees of the Bumblebumble B&B. So that's where we left off and that's where you're headed to next, and there's all sorts of adventure and mayhem there, because did I think Vincent told you who he was working for?
Speaker 3:Yeah, the spider.
Speaker 2:No well, clark Clark the bugbear.
Speaker 3:Yes.
Speaker 2:Clark is the one over Is the one over. Clark Griswold is the one overseeing the goblins and there their attacks on people at the trail. So Clark is there and I think you also learned that Clark was working for King.
Speaker 3:Dave.
Speaker 2:Grohl, dave Grohl. I don't know if the spider came up yet.
Speaker 3:I think it did.
Speaker 2:Did the spider come up? So, because the spider is the one that Bless you.
Speaker 3:Thank you, bless you.
Speaker 2:Thank you. The spider is the one that had them kidnap, basically kidnap Gundren Rockseeker. Right, the spider is looking for something that that Gundren knows or has or something like that. Got it. So that's the thread that you are following at the moment. So that will be the early part of February Will be that episode. Usually we're trying to do. The first Monday of the month Will be the actual play. So hopefully that one we've already recorded, so I just have to edit it and then we'll find out what happens in the cave.
Speaker 3:The cave of wonders.
Speaker 2:The crag maw. The crag maw hideout Interesting. The crag maw goblins Meow to you too.
Speaker 3:Didi has arrived. Is that Didi?
Speaker 1:Didi left, hope arrived, oh, hope arrived. They were greeting each other.
Speaker 3:I see Ships in the night.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 3:Cats in the hall.
Speaker 2:That's right. So stay tuned for next week's episode, which I have no idea what we're doing. So that'll be an adventure.
Speaker 3:Something.
Speaker 2:Something, something, something. We'll be talking about something D&D related.
Speaker 3:TBD D&D Bumblebumble B&B.
Speaker 2:Maybe we can talk about, because the one thing that we've been wanting to talk about is D&D in pop culture.
Speaker 3:Yeah, absolutely.
Speaker 2:So we could we could definitely bring that up next week and talk about kind of how D&D has become more accessible and the awareness of D&D has really risen. Especially things like Big Bang Theory Stranger Things for sure has really kind of heightened the awareness of D&D.
Speaker 3:I mean, you'd be amazed how many shows, and this is kind of why I wanted to talk about this how many shows just kind of casually incorporate D&D? There's an episode of Buffy. There's multiple episodes of Community. There's all sorts of shows that have incorporated D&D, but I think recently the biggest one is Stranger Things, as I'm looking at your Eddie.
Speaker 2:My Eddie Funko, the champagne table.
Speaker 3:Funko.
Speaker 1:We had a D&D club at school and we started with like four or five members and after Stranger Things, we had like over 20.
Speaker 3:Yeah, Stranger Things was a really big catalyst for it of weight. Yeah, yeah, that's what's like Kind of made it cool again. We can do that.
Speaker 2:Excellent, so that's what you have to hopefully look forward to next week. Thank you, everyone for listening in. Remember you can check out these recipes in the Heroes Feast and the flavors of the Multiverse cookbooks that are available for sale. I will put links to them in the show notes so you can check them out if you want to purchase them through Amazon, and we'll see you next week.
Speaker 3:Bye everybody, bye Ow the 911.