Legends, Loot, & Lore: A Players's Guide to Dungeons and Dragons
"Legends, Loot, & Lore" is a fun Dungeons and Dragons podcast where host Andrew and co-host Catherine dive into the thrilling realms of D&D, delivering news, tips, interviews, and fascinating tales of legendary adventures, all from the perspective of someone new to or interested in playing Dungeons and Dragons.
Legends, Loot, & Lore: A Players's Guide to Dungeons and Dragons
Rolling for Insight: Workplace Wonders, Prom Perils, and Pop Culture Pitfalls
Ever wondered how a bustling work life or the dizzying heights of prom excitement can coexist with the immersive world of Dungeons & Dragons? Catherine and Fable join us for an enthralling session where we traverse the landscape of Phandelver, confront the trials of Tresendar Manor, and engage in a lively debate about the spirit of gameplay. As Catherine juggles her professional commitments, she brings her sharp insight into the structured chaos of our ongoing campaign. Meanwhile, Fable, on the cusp of prom night, shares her love for the whimsy and mayhem of a more spontaneous D&D adventure. It's a conversation that captures the essence of why we roll the dice – for the stories we create and the bonds we forge, whether we're following the rulebook or rewriting it as we go.
But it's not all dice and character sheets in this episode. The discussion takes a sharp pivot as we face the complexities of a recent television controversy head-on, dissecting a maelstrom sparked by a character's portrayal in dark makeup. We peel back the layers of intent, perception, and the media's responsibility in the delicate realm of racial sensitivity. Through the lens of D&D enthusiasts and storytellers, we examine the crossroads of artistic expression and cultural awareness, leaving no stone unturned. Join us for a conversation that doesn't shy away from the difficult questions, as we reflect on our role as consumers and creators in the evolving narrative of inclusivity and respect.
Gummyquest on Kickstarter
Converse x Dungeons & Dragons
LEGO Dungeons & Dragons
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Music by June Westfield
Apple Music
Logo design by Ryan Denora
this thing called a podcast I just can't handle it, this thing. Okay, welcome everyone to another unhinged episode of legends, loot and a crazy little thing called a podcast. We are going to spend some time digging through the news archives and seeing what news is out there lately in the world of Dungeons and Dragons, where we've got all sorts of lovely, fantastic things to talk about.
Speaker 2:Joining us today is Catherineatherine hello, I still live here.
Speaker 1:Yes, you, you do, especially after that song. How could we let you go right?
Speaker 2:well, you'll be missing me for the next. Uh, yeah, I know let's see tonight, but three nights after that, I know I know Fabo's traumatized. Oh, I'm sorry. This thing called a job expects me to show up for the sales conference Exactly.
Speaker 3:I think I might be more traumatized from the car earlier. I'm going to be honest, hi Sophia. Hi Sophia, I love you. I'm very sorry, I'm mean, she's not going to listen to this.
Speaker 1:Oh well, that's too bad. That's her loss, that's right. And also joining us, as you've heard, is Fable. Hello, hi, fable, how are you?
Speaker 3:I'm good. How are you?
Speaker 1:All excited for the prom.
Speaker 3:Yes.
Speaker 1:Yeah, basically everything for it today Awesome.
Speaker 3:That's so exciting.
Speaker 1:I'm very excited for you. Thank you, all right. So we've got, like I said, we've got all sorts of news articles. So let's just so we kind of recapped last time what happened in Phandelver, you've gotten, you attacked some, well, some of the red brains really Well, who attacked who? Who? Who shot first? I think that was I think that was iquium, it was definitely iquium.
Speaker 1:Iquium shot first so yeah, iquium and han yep, so. So that was a little bit of a problem, but you, you're able to handle that and you're going to head off to phandelver, which which is very or not Phandelver. You're in Phandelver, phandelon, phandelver, and below is the adventure. I'm getting all my words mixed up, words Trescender Manor, the soon-to-be Bemble Bomble B&B, very exciting. So what are your feelings going into the Tresendor Manor, or, let's say, xanros? What is Xanros feeling about Tresendor Manor? Pissed, why, why is Xanros pissed?
Speaker 2:Why wouldn't Xanros be pissed? I mean, the manor is a ruin, yes, so she wasn't expecting that, and the red brands have holed up there, so she did not expect that she was going to have to eject people from there Squatters.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you know how difficult that is. It's been in the news all over lately trying to get squatters out of houses.
Speaker 2:Exactly. It's ridiculous, and I suspect we're not just dealing with red brands once we get there. So what makes you say that?
Speaker 1:you, me, you, I don't know what you're talking about, sure you're very suspicious, I I am suspicious, I am don't be suspicious, don't be, suspicious don't be suspicious don't be, suspicious, don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious.
Speaker 2:Yes, thank you.
Speaker 1:You're welcome, so I am suspicious. So, yes, there may be more than just red brands hanging out at Tresendor Manor.
Speaker 2:Yay. You've been warned and this what's the guy's name that we've picked up to go with us? It was something Pimble.
Speaker 3:Oh, that dude, oh I can't remember the Pimble guy.
Speaker 2:Because I thought his name was real, real, silly.
Speaker 1:And I would have to Theo Pimble, theo Pimble, theo Pimble.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:He was one of the red brands. Is that what that was? Yes, he was a red brand. He was the one that tried to run away.
Speaker 2:Exactly and then said he would work at the B&B but also hates goblins.
Speaker 1:Right, and that's going to be an HR issue, it's going to be a problem. Yeah, yeah, so tell me so. Before we dive into the news articles, let me ask you both, because you're both coming at this game with a little bit different experience. So I'm going to start with you, fable. So you've played D&D for a while, but you haven't necessarily played organized by the rules.
Speaker 3:D&D. Oh my God, no, no, no.
Speaker 1:Which can be fun, because I was reading an article earlier talking about can you play D&D without the rules, and they're like absolutely. I mean you can certainly role play and do all that without all the hardcore rules of D&D. But how do you feel now, having played kind of more structured D&D?
Speaker 3:It's fun. Both of them are fun, but I will say I do like the more that shit crazy. Do whatever you want, dnd sure because that's what I'm used to.
Speaker 1:I get that. So what is what is this? What is this? Dnd lacking that?
Speaker 3:that it's not that it's lacking anything right, just like when there's like a little less rigidness, it's a bit more I say could I make this less rigid for you?
Speaker 1:like what? What could I do too?
Speaker 3:both of them are fine okay, I'm just checking in they're different. Both are fun, but they're both different got it?
Speaker 1:how? So? In what? In what ways? I mean, other than being one is batshit and one is not, but I mean, like, what's like? What are some of the nuances of the of the two?
Speaker 3:um. My campaign is way less serious we do not take ourselves seriously at all, are you saying you three take yourselves pretty seriously. I mean I surely don't compared to our campaign, this is way more serious Interesting.
Speaker 1:That's cool. Okay, I would like to sit down and just watch.
Speaker 3:I was going to say, if you let us play here that one time, you would have seen how insane it is.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I would like to watch that sometime just to get a feel for how you all play That'd. That would be very interesting. And, catherine, is you've primarily your primary, your primary experience, yes, is dming yeah and, and and playing some one shots. So. So how has this been for you? What's? What's the experience like, coming coming out as a, as a I want to say a new dnd player, but but someone relatively newer to the game?
Speaker 2:yeah, I mean, I actually have found that I enjoy coming at it from this angle much more like I like being a player way more than a dm. Yeah, um, and I really like the fact that, like I get to do stupid voices I get to be a very angry rock gnome you are a very angry rock. No I think she has every reason to be.
Speaker 1:No, I, I'm not saying I'm not saying it's unjustified, I'm just saying you played that very well, oh.
Speaker 2:Oh, thank you. It's fun for me because it's very different than my general personality, so it's it's kind of a which is would I dare call it bubbly. You wouldn't, but one of my coworkers did.
Speaker 1:Love you coworkers. Thank you for hiring Catherine.
Speaker 2:I mean, my coworkers are all so nice, but how do I tell them bubbly ain't me.
Speaker 1:You're, you're're, you have a very friendly. You're, you're friendly you're, you're upbeat, you're a very positive person. I am positive, so so I think you know bubbly might not be the the exact correct term, but right, but you definitely have a positive energy about you. That that, I think, is attractive to people.
Speaker 2:Well, thank you, you're welcome. That also goes with the other word that I've been described as in the past sweet, sweet and bubbly Are those two words you would use to describe me Kind, thank you.
Speaker 1:A beverage.
Speaker 2:Sweet and bubbly.
Speaker 1:Catherine, no, I would drink something sweet and bubbly, but yeah, I mean. I didn't marry sweet and bubbly.
Speaker 2:Well, and here's the thing In an interview are they going to get the extreme levels of sarcasm? No, no, they're not going to see my real personality up front.
Speaker 1:No, you got to hide that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you got to hide that until they're comfortable, and then they get to see.
Speaker 1:So, so. So let me ask this Does that, does that also happen in D and D? Like when you, when you join a new party, do you just are you just are you just yourself? Or or do you have to get comfortable with the party and and then your personality really comes out?
Speaker 2:Well, I think it depends on. I mean, you know, in this instance it's very easy for me to do because it's three people that I know really well.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:So like I'm, fully comfortable with you, James, and fable um going into like when I started DMing the campaign with the other group, with Joe and Kat, and at the time it was what Rob and Steve.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And, oh my gosh, why can't I think of her name?
Speaker 1:Christina.
Speaker 2:Yes, christina, rest in peace. I didn't know most of them, right.
Speaker 1:I knew Joe Right.
Speaker 2:And certainly not as well as I know Joe now. And now I feel like I know Kat really well and like I'm very comfortable with Steve. So I think it would be different now than it was then.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I think, I think there was a strong correlation to comfort in the party. Yeah, to number of dick jokes that are are told okay, like I think it's just a lot of those in our okay, see, see, so I've been definitely more quiet and reserved, because I don't know james that well, because I met james two hours before our first recording of okay, that's fair.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and james is a great guy, uh, but if you don't know him, yeah right. My friends, I've slept over at their houses like right right exactly like I could roll into a campaign with your friends, because I've taken all of them now to trivia with us.
Speaker 1:So yeah, interesting see.
Speaker 3:So yeah, so I, I think, you ask them what celebrities are hot? I do okay let's can.
Speaker 1:I tell this real quick Side quest so here's what happened.
Speaker 2:Monday night I go to trivia with one of my high school friends. Fable. Most of the time comes with Brings my high school friends. Fable brings their high school friends. Usually we have Donnie and Sophia. Hi Donnie, hi Sophia.
Speaker 1:Who's apparently not going to listen?
Speaker 3:listen, we've already established that sophia is not listening to us. The attention span got it um.
Speaker 2:This week we brought matt and kia because it was kia's birthday, so it was a very exciting week of new happy belated birthday kia and during trivia, matt brought up a guy, an actor, that he thought was super cute and fable was kind of like and anita and I agreed that he was objectively hot. And this just happened because in a little bit we're going to talk about the dnd cookbooks and I realized sam witwer is one of the co-authors, sam witwer being an actor that I loved in a show called being human years ago um, who is objectively hot and to whom fable responded.
Speaker 2:So I sent it to matt and keita, following up on our conversation from last week.
Speaker 1:It's all good. You know, different, different, different people are attracted to different people, that's cool, so I wanted to get an opinion.
Speaker 2:This one was meh and I won. So sam witwer objectively hot like I went with pretty because he's he is pretty. I mean he's got that like real sharp jawline he's like so, so still, anson mount anson mount is possibly like the pinnacle of male hotness wow, does he?
Speaker 4:look like oh, he's, so what's his?
Speaker 1:name anson mount a-n-s-o-n-m-o-u-n-t I think I think that was the the moment where I truly realized that I was queer, when I turned the corner and saw anson mount and I'm like, okay, oh, my god, here's the thing so fable's making a face like but here's the thing on star Trek.
Speaker 2:When we were watching him I kind of was the same like okay, yeah, Like he's a good looking guy, but whatever, we turned to the corner at comic-con for our photo op.
Speaker 4:And I was like.
Speaker 2:Holy crap, he's hot, he's gorgeous he is.
Speaker 1:He is all that and a bag of chips. He really is.
Speaker 3:Wow, he's not as bad as the other guy.
Speaker 2:Oh, could you all excuse us for a moment while I throw Fable out of our house? Wow, I said he's not as bad as the other guy, that's a compliment.
Speaker 3:Come on. We've established that I always disagree this is me minorly agreeing.
Speaker 2:You have a weird idea of a compliment, friend.
Speaker 1:Wow.
Speaker 3:Compared to my usual answers.
Speaker 2:Wow, wow.
Speaker 1:Big love. Big love to Anson Mount Hope you're listening.
Speaker 3:Yes.
Speaker 2:Please be listening.
Speaker 1:Oh, wow, this has gotten so far off, so so far it's. That was that was, that was. That was a very justifiable side quest. That was that was. That was. That was a good point. So let's, let's dive into some of these news articles that that we have been reading. Yeah, so, the first article from giant freaking robot this is this is where we heard the news that the banned episode of community called advanced dungeons and dragons from season two is back up on streaming on Peacock.
Speaker 2:Yay.
Speaker 1:Very exciting. Now we're not going to get into all of the conversation about Ken Jeong's. I can't even call it blackface because he wasn't. I mean, he had dark makeup on, but he wasn't trying to mimic being a black person a person of color?
Speaker 4:No, he was being a drow.
Speaker 2:He was being a drow, a dark elf.
Speaker 1:So maybe there's some racial undertones to dark elves. I don't know. I haven't really read into that that much.
Speaker 2:I don't know, I haven't really read into that that much. I do like that. The article talks about the fact that other shows that have had episodes banned for the same reason.
Speaker 2:They were clear instances of blackface. There's an episode of Always Sunny. There's an episode of 30 Rock I'm looking at some of the others here. Yeah, so I mean, they call out those two specifically and also call this an overreaction that it was pulled off. And I actually, yvette nicole brown, said that the episode being banned was an overreaction. Yeah, and I I agree. Um, I think we talked about this during the, the episode where we talked about all the, the TV episodes, but I agree that it's. I just think it's overkill in this instance because it was not specifically blackface in the traditional definition. I think this is the sort of thing where you can leave it up to the viewer to decide whether or not they want to watch it.
Speaker 1:Right, think this is the sort of thing where you can leave it up to the viewer to decide whether or not they want to watch it. Right, I mean it certainly, I. It certainly should be said. You know that you should. We should absolutely be sensitive to, yeah, to to everybody's feelings and and how they interpret this. But I, I don't think there was there, there was not even it's. It goes beyond ill intent, I mean it wasn't even. I mean he's a dark elf, I mean that's.
Speaker 2:Well, and in the episode it's addressed, yvette Nicole Brown surely says are we going to address this hate crime? And then they get into the whole thing about the fact that he's a dark elf. He's not in blackface, blah blah, blah, exactly. I just think the message of the episode yeah is so good yeah, I think, I think it's just I liked it. Yeah, it was a good one I thought.
Speaker 1:I thought it was such a great episode, for I mean addressing the whole fat neil issue and yeah, and and and overcoming that and really just kind of admitting your mistakes and trying to do something to help them, to help kind of correct those mistakes, so I thought it was a really good episode, I think it's a great episode in just making Jeff a more three-dimensional character, right Because he's so very especially in those early seasons and this was season two, you know he's very full of himself, he's very.
Speaker 1:There has to be some redemptive quality to the person. I mean, like even with Pierce.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Like I mean he's got maybe some good qualities. No, no, not really. Is that the guy that I didn like, even with Pierce. Yeah, like I mean he's got maybe some good qualities.
Speaker 3:No, no, not really Is that the guy that I didn't like.
Speaker 1:Yes, chevy Chase.
Speaker 3:God yeah.
Speaker 2:I mean, I think that's the thing Like Pierce never really did have any redeeming qualities, there's no kindness in him, there's just that like spoiled, ruined adult child to jump at the TV.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he well, he accomplishes that goal very well.
Speaker 3:Yeah, making you want to do that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, all right, let's actually any other thoughts on on this episode. I'm just, I'm just again, I'm glad it's back to to open up that discussion. I think it's a great, a great episode for fans of dnd. I think it's a great episode for fans of community. It's just nice to nice to see it back out there, um, and we'll see what conversation that that prompts. And now, if you want to watch it, you don't have to pay for it, exactly which we did, because we, we needed to watch it yeah, plus it's a Plus, it's a great episode.
Speaker 2:It's a great episode to have. Absolutely, I did like it yeah.
Speaker 1:Oh for sure. And now they're getting their movie six seasons and a movie. So very exciting, very exciting to see the community movie. Anyway, moving on, moving right along, moving right along. Before we talk about the D&D cookbooks, let's talk about our other food-related item. Yes, a Kickstarter campaign.
Speaker 3:Oh, my goodness, yes.
Speaker 1:As of April 7th Sunday, april 7th it has 11 days to go. Yep, so there is still time to back this project, even though they had a goal of $3,500. And they are now funded at $333,327. So lots of money and there we go. So this kickstarter, this kickstarter campaign, is called gummy quest delicious fantasy gummies and, as it says, go on a mouth-watering adventure with 150 tasty gummies and 25 unique fantasy flavors. They have all sorts of characters. Katherine, would you like to lay some of these out?
Speaker 2:yeah, um, what do we got? So you've got the pina colada paladin. Yes, um, there's one that they're just referring to the flavor as death.
Speaker 1:I knew which one. You're talking about death. I want to know what death. Uh, there was the owlberry. Owlberry, yeah, I like palm eye granite.
Speaker 2:The beholder the other beholders are pink, which is just real, real cute I know it's hard.
Speaker 1:It's hard to to be scared of that, isn't it? Yeah, uh, so you've got, and the tangy troll fruit sour lime, slime and dragon fire inferno.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, there's some fantastic.
Speaker 1:So they're. They're all shaped as, as different characters and dragons and other monsters. There's orcs, there's I'm trying to what what else is that? There's a rogue.
Speaker 2:There's a wizard. It says it comes with 76 monsters, 15 heroes, 25 potions and 35 dice. And those are all gummies and let's.
Speaker 4:I'm going to play their video for you so you can at least hear it on the podcast here. There are over 25 unique fantasy flavors to battle with your taste buds. From the bitter acid of sour slimes to the scorching heat of a dragon's breath. Each gummy is crafted with a unique fantasy flair and is an epic battle for your taste buds. Savor the sweet taste of victory with Owlberry, engage in a tropical duel with Paladin Piña Colada and brave the cold abyss of death. Each flavor transports you to an epic fantasy world where delicious gummy battles take place on your tongue. These mouth-watering gummies are perfect for role-playing sessions as an epic reward for defeating fantastic foes. For those daring souls, embark on a quest to conquer a whole box of Gummy Quest Soda. Join our epic adventure on Kickstarter today. Claim your epic discount exclusive Kickstarter. Stretch Coal cold gummies and join our awesome community. Fight epic battles with your taste buds and support gummy quest on kickstarter today to conquer a world of fantasy flavors yeah, so it sounds really cool I'm super excited.
Speaker 1:There's a couple things that really excite me. Yeah, I think one of the stretch goals was and I don't know why it wasn't part of the original pack the gelatinous cube. I'm like, how do you, how is that not one of your original like items? Like I? I? I'm like that was a miss, but it's one of the stretch goals, so I'm excited that it's going to be in there I'm looking at the level of detail that's put into each of these. And if you go to the about.
Speaker 2:They talk about the different people, the team who are involved, and you've literally got a chief sculptor who is a sculptor, illustrator, game designer and the creator of warp miniatures. He specializes in both hand sculpted and 3d printed miniatures. So is it gelatinous cube? Really a challenge for this guy? It's a square.
Speaker 1:I get that, I get that, but but for gummies, like I know, I, I get that, I get that it's not that exciting. I mean, it was there. It was their first, uh, or their second stretch goal, their first stretch goal, which I'm really. This is the other thing that I'm excited to see they actually are creating a Gummy Quest campaign for all these characters.
Speaker 2:Oh, that's cool.
Speaker 1:So you can use all the Gummy characters in a campaign and play it that way. So I think that's a lot of fun. I mean, it looks like a griffin. There's some crazy. Is that an ice giant? I don't know what these things are.
Speaker 2:Um, there's a couple of things I want to mention. Yes, not shipping until october, right, so it's going to be a little while. Um, right now you can get a fairly decent discount on a box of over 150. It's 151 gummies. Um, it's 42 to back and then $6 for shipping, so it's 48 bucks if you just want to have it. Yeah, there is a $165 backing option that gives you the molds so that you can create your own gummies, and they add a little wink wink about what you can add to those gummies.
Speaker 1:No, it's not even just the molds. What is it? It's, oh, it's the gelatin.
Speaker 2:The kit includes the molds to make to those gummies. No, it's not even just the molds. What is it?
Speaker 1:Oh, it's the gelatin and all that stuff, the kit includes the molds to make 25 unique gummies, along with the gummy mix and all the essentials for the colors and flavors. Yeah, so it gets you everything other than the wink wink what you want to put into your gummies. So the 420-friendly gamers out there can make your own gummies. So, so the 420 friendly gamers out there can can make your own gummies. Right, and have a grand old time playing dnd interesting I would well.
Speaker 1:Not for you, dear, not for me, but I'm saying not for you like that'd be an experience oh, my god, can you like, oh, imagine taking that like, imagine that many gummies like, like, you, like you have to eat every gummy you kill oh my god, that's what I'm saying, like that you get like out of your mind yeah, I can see maybe doing that with like shot glasses. Do you look at?
Speaker 3:like jello shots.
Speaker 1:I was, I wasn't, I wasn't thinking jello shots, but jello shots, yeah, but just just shots of whatever, and so for each one, that's a monster that you kill.
Speaker 3:Then you've got to take that shot. The better you are at fighting, the more sloshed you get.
Speaker 1:That would be a batshit campaign.
Speaker 2:Yes, dear, sorry. I'm reading through some of the comments on this and, aside from the very specific ones that are concerned about consistency of the Jell-O and all that kind of stuff, one of the things I noticed was somebody saying that this was a reason to get his interstate party together, and I thought that was really cool. That's awesome.
Speaker 2:You know, I know a few of your games well. Both of your other games are online, yes, and I do think that's another part of the reason I enjoy playing with our campaign, so much is that we're all in the same room together.
Speaker 3:In person is so much better.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I agree, gives me an opportunity. I mean, I see you all the time and I see Fable all the time, but it gives me an opportunity to see James regularly and that's very nice.
Speaker 3:It's just fun to get together and hang out. I played online once when we couldn't meet up. I literally don't even remember it. I was so zoned out.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Like it was terrible.
Speaker 1:It's tough. It's tough to. It's tough to consistently play a game on like strictly online, and I think a lot of it, a lot of it has to do with the dm. You know the, you know there's you, you have to, you have to do it differently in person than than online. So you, you've got to adjust to to that and I think both j, both James and Joe have done really good jobs DMing their campaigns online. It's tough, it's not easy. You know there's. There's some great tools out there that I think really help, and and they're getting better and better as as time goes on, and I know D and D is releasing their own set of tools and online playables, so it's only going to get better. But I hope it brings more people into the game, but I hope it doesn't take away from the in-person kind of atmosphere that the game can provide, because that's just something really, really special.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's interesting. Um, you know, my last job was fully remote. Obviously you know that because I was just here in the house 24 seven Right.
Speaker 2:And also at fables beck and call if they needed to be picked up at school. So I mean it was great for everyone in this room. But what I'm finding now that I'm at a job that's hybrid and I'm in the office three days a week, is that there's definitely something to be said for being with other people, and it's part of what I always liked about being in the office is you can grab somebody in the hallway for a conversation, you can have a meeting where everybody's sitting in the room together and while you can do all of that stuff remotely and I totally you know, I was the unofficial planning party party planning committee at my previous job you can build that, but it's just so much easier when you're physically with a person.
Speaker 2:And I think that that extends to D and D.
Speaker 1:I agree. So gummy quest on Kickstarter? Yeah, definitely check it out. We have. We have backed it ourselves. But, yeah, I think. Yeah, what did it say? October 2024? Yeah, is when they expect it to start shipping. So you've got some time on that, but you have very few days left to actually back the campaign, so get in there quickly.
Speaker 2:Yeah, okay, so that was a fun one. Yes, yes, okay, so that was a fun one. Yes, yes, should we move on to the dnd cookbook expansion? That, yeah, like to the whole sam witwer conversation.
Speaker 1:I am so excited about this. This. This looks really interesting. It does I'm. I'm always a sucker for for the recipes and things like that, so they are. This is an article from Comic Book and they're announcing a new D&D recipe deck based on the Heroes Feast cookbooks from a whole bunch of people Authors Kyle Newman, john Peterson, michael Witwer and Sam Witwer. They are coming out with Heroes feast the deck of many morsels with all this easy to prepare snacks, libations and sweets and will release later this year perfectly timed for cozy fall gaming sessions. So another thing coming out this fall yes, so 10, 10 new recipes, 25 photographs.
Speaker 1:So I'm really jazzed about that, um yeah, under dark forage board. I have no idea what these things even are.
Speaker 2:Halfling tea sandwiches I want some exploding cheese puffs.
Speaker 1:I definitely want to try those exploding cheese puffs. I want to know all about that yeah but, as you would expect, the car.
Speaker 1:They put a lot of thought, thought into these. The cards are coated, so it's easy to bring them into the kitchen and get them messy and they'll clean right up and it's. I think it's a nice little again. It's a nice simple way to just kind of pick a card. If you're, if you're trying to come up with something for your, for your party, that night and you want to want to find something easy, just pull out a card and and go from there. Any other thoughts?
Speaker 2:I don't think so. No, um, did you mention that the cows, the cards, are coded? I mentioned the cards were coded.
Speaker 1:Never mind then. So pre-orders are available now so you can start ordering it. You can go to Penguin Random House's website and they link out to a bunch of retailers from there. It's $25.99 US dollars. The Deck of Many Morsels releases October 1, 2024. So get prepared. So again, october 2024. October 2024.
Speaker 1:If you want any of these things october- 2024, the fall is going to be a big year for dnd. But in the meantime you've got two cookbooks alone for dnd. You've got hero's feast and then you got hero's feast flavors of the multiverse. Yep, there's the critical role cookbook. I mean there's so many D&D-themed food recipes out there that you can choose from, so you can really go all out and have quite the meal themed for D&D. Yeah, moving on Our next news topic, again from Comic Book Dun dungeons and dragons charity stream to feature jonathan frakes, deborah ann wall and star trek alum yeah, this is a cool one.
Speaker 2:I sent this to you the other day I know, being hosted by none other than todd stashwick.
Speaker 1:Picard hitting that Picard himself, but from Picard? Yes, very exciting, yeah, so another big game night with a bunch of celebrities. Legends of Eleonora Zephyr against the Mist. There's currently a charity auction that's running until only tomorrow.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and it's currently at $6,000, or at least it was at the time of this article which, which was from two days ago. So let me look at it now and see what it actually is while you're looking that up. So, in addition to stashwick um, who played captain shaw, there's gonna be jonathan frakes. Will wheaton michelle heard? Yeah, will wheaton deborah ann wall true Wil Wheaton Michelle Hurd? Yeah, wil Wheaton Debra Ann Wall, true Blood. Daredevil my show. And who? No, that's it. That's the cast. Yes, it's going to be streamed on Twitch. Yep. Twitchtv slash mini terrain domain. Saturday April 20th, starting at 5. Pm Pacific, so that's 8. Pm Eastern.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:For all you listeners out there.
Speaker 2:The bid right now is it's $7,100, $7,100.
Speaker 1:And the next table with these guys and the increments are $500.
Speaker 2:So the next bid is $7,600. Interesting. I do want to talk about the charity.
Speaker 1:Yes I think, that's important to absolutely the pablo foundation.
Speaker 2:uh, it invests in underfunded, cutting-edge pediatric cancer research and improves lives of children living with cancer through photography. So 100 of the net proceeds um of the hammer price. Oh, I don't even know what this is. Okay, oh, I see the hammer because it's a, I see We'll go to. We'll grant the funds. Less fees to the Pablo. Okay, yeah, so yes, Excellent. So if you have a spare $7,600 laying around, give it to me. No, you can bid to be at the table with a bunch of really cool celebrities.
Speaker 1:That's really exciting. I'm looking forward to checking it out. I'm definitely not bidding that much.
Speaker 2:Does Debra Ann Wong play with uh critical role?
Speaker 1:she's. She's been on there, she's not. She's not on the critical role cast.
Speaker 2:She's played with them yeah, I thought I'd seen her on stuff.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she's been on their show as a guest sometimes yeah, she's fun she's great she's. I I enjoy watching her dm she's. She's a lot of fun. Nice, very, very creative mind, which is which is good for for dming. So fable, how much would you? Well, let me ask this question who would, who would you want at a table to play with dnd?
Speaker 2:like out of those celebrities we're not out of those celebrities, but because we know you don't know who any of those celebrities are exactly you know who will wheaton is.
Speaker 1:I do know who will okay but but out of out of your celebrity sphere of people you know and like. Who would? Who would you like die to? Like play at a table with?
Speaker 3:I'm so honest I don't I really don't follow any celebrities ghost like you and ghost playing playing dnd ghost the band. I mean I like their music and, but I'm not crazy about Tobias Forge.
Speaker 2:Matt Berry.
Speaker 3:Huh Matt.
Speaker 2:Berry.
Speaker 1:Laszlo.
Speaker 3:Cravensworth what we do in the shadows. That could be interesting.
Speaker 2:That would be very interesting, I feel like playing with that entire cast would be super fun.
Speaker 3:That would be fun yeah.
Speaker 1:Oh my God, but I really don't know. Would you want them playing as themselves or their characters?
Speaker 2:Oh, I swear Matt Berry. Laszlo is just a ramped up version of Matt Berry.
Speaker 1:I would love Nandor De Laurentiis. I would love to play in a D&D game with Nandor Guillermo would be fun.
Speaker 2:Nadia, nadia, nadia would just be so mad and confused about what was happening. What about the doll? Oh colin, imagine colin, oh my god he'd be like explaining the the rules in like the minutest detail well, I could.
Speaker 1:I could see him as a character like draining the life force of the enemies. He doesn't you never have to kill anybody, he just drains their life force. Right, yeah, he would be an interesting one to play with, but there's no one in particular, fable that.
Speaker 3:I really don't follow celebrities.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like I don't it's not my, don't it's not my thing, it's not your thing.
Speaker 3:What is your thing?
Speaker 1:drawing drawing, listening to music okay, so are there any artists or musicians you would like to play dnd with? Hot, not really no, that's cool, all good. This is like a table of people I would dream to play D&D with.
Speaker 2:I would love to play with these guys. Yeah, Add Seth Green in there for me and I could have the happiest day of my life Absolutely.
Speaker 1:All right, so let's talk about the next fun article from Press Start. This is talking about Australia, but it's also valid here or across the globe.
Speaker 2:Yeah, this is going to be a global launch.
Speaker 1:A global launch and what is the global launch date?
Speaker 2:April 11th, yes, Happy birthday to my stepfather.
Speaker 1:Yes, we'll get my stepfather. Yes, we'll get him a pair of these.
Speaker 2:Oh, I'm sure an 88-year-old man would love this the slip-ons, Not the lace-ups. I don't think he wants these.
Speaker 1:So, anyway, want to talk about what they are? Let's talk about what they are, okay, enough beating around the bush. Don't leave the what they are okay enough.
Speaker 2:Beating around the bush, the people hanging, I know how dare we. So what is it dare? It is a dungeons and dragons and converse collection. Yes, so you've got a number of um pairs of sneakers, obviously for both adults, and there is a child option, nice. And then you've got a bunch of shirts and a hat and some shorts.
Speaker 1:I am so excited about this. Like I was that gelatinous cube, I got a thing for gelatinous cubes. I just dig the T-shirt, though it's really cool looking. But I mean they got a couple T-shirts. There's a trucker hat and all the oh man, those are just all of the sneakers are high tops.
Speaker 3:Yes, what do they look like? I?
Speaker 2:prefer a low top. Thank you very much, oh, here did you see the custom?
Speaker 1:the custom ones, you can edit the design yeah, you can make your own yeah that I might do then these are really cool. Katherine is showing fable what they I'll pull it up.
Speaker 2:I'm I need it like there you go so if you go to converse and just google dungeons and dragons, it comes right up yeah, there's custom chuck taylor all-stargeons, dragons, high tops.
Speaker 1:So, you can.
Speaker 3:But I want a low top. Oh, those are cool.
Speaker 1:I know you want the low top.
Speaker 3:I'm going to whine. These are cool as hell, oh, the green.
Speaker 1:I love that they had the custom inspiration. They have green ones that are just really rad.
Speaker 3:Oh, those look so cool.
Speaker 1:You got canvas and green. Oh, you can do red Nomadic rust.
Speaker 2:It's not a red, I would prefer.
Speaker 1:Oh, excuse me, See, now we're just going down this rabbit hole, the canvas, stuff is really nice, I can just dig away the off. See, now we're just going down this rabbit hole of the canvas. Yeah, I mean, the canvas stuff is really nice. I didn't just dig the off-white, but I really like that D&D logo thing to stand out. The black would be just like all black would be cool. I like the black with the green tongue.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I like that one.
Speaker 1:That looks really cool. I'm just customizing them as we speak. This one looks cool as hell. Yeah, I like that one that looks really cool. I'm just customizing them as we speak.
Speaker 3:This one looks cool as hell.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it does.
Speaker 1:Wow, very cool. So there's that Again. We could be playing around with those all day, very nice. There's some really cool collaborations of stuff coming out for Dungeons Dragons. This is a big I mean the 50th anniversary. They're really going all out on the yeah, they really are On the kind of partnerships with other brands. It's really cool to see.
Speaker 2:Gotta love a licensing deal.
Speaker 1:Yes, those are nice. I like those too, Anyway, so those are available globally. April 11th. The range includes did you say this? I did you said, all that Were you?
Speaker 2:also looking up someone on the internet when I was talking about it.
Speaker 1:I was customizing a pair of my shoes. I'm like, let's be real.
Speaker 2:That'll do it. Let's be real.
Speaker 1:I was customizing my own shoes Very nice All right, let's talk about another thing. Was customizing my own shoes Very nice? All right, let's talk about another thing that I am super excited about. Speaking of licensing deals, I got to get back to the top of this article Something that I am dying to get, but I have no idea where I would put.
Speaker 2:I mean Hogwarts could come down. Yeah, it could. I mean I know you don't want it to, but it could. It could.
Speaker 3:That's an option, yeah is this what I think it is, because you might be able to. I saw it in person. It's like not that insane it looks. It looks enormous show it to me. I might have seen a different one this one yeah, it's more up than anything right, yeah, it's not.
Speaker 1:It's not very wide, but it's very tall yeah.
Speaker 2:So I mean, tall, we can manage, we just don't have.
Speaker 3:It's probably like which is?
Speaker 1:what about 18 inches?
Speaker 3:I'd say it's somewhere around here, because I saw it in people listening have no idea what you're saying what you're holding up it's legos?
Speaker 2:yes, they're holding up their. What you're holding up it's Legos? Yes, they're holding up their hands.
Speaker 1:They're holding up their hands About 18 inches apart, about 18 inches apart. Thank you for that, you're welcome. Thank you, you're welcome. So yes, the Lego Dungeons Dragons set is just absolutely incredible. It crams. I don't know how they did it. They crammed so many different aspects of D&D into this. It is a relatively small set. It's very tall, but there's so much detail to it. But it does have a gelatinous cube. It does have a gelatinous cube.
Speaker 1:It has an owlbear and an owlbear, an owlbear. It has an owl bear and an owl bear an owl bear.
Speaker 2:It has an owl bear.
Speaker 1:It has a beholder, it has a displacer. I believe it has a mimic I think it does I think it has a mimic, a chest that's a mimic um it's always a mimic always, everything's a mimic on a spike Excellent. Yeah, and the dragon, the giant red dragon, I mean yeah, totally cool.
Speaker 3:If you want to see it in person, it's at Garden State Plaza.
Speaker 1:Is it really Because we went there? When were we there? Oh for. For a little while we were there for Ghostb there what Thursday? Yeah, ah, because I was hoping when we were there to see Ghostbusters.
Speaker 3:No, but it's there now. Oh cool, it's also at Palisades, I believe.
Speaker 1:Oh nice. So there's so much to it. I want to get into some of this, but, like I said, there's so much detail to it.
Speaker 2:There are all sorts of minifigures, so there's a dwarf cleric, a gnome fighter, an orc rogue, which I think is really cool.
Speaker 1:An elf wizard. The mysterious dragon sorcerer. Mysterious Dragon Sorcerer, mysterious. Well, they say it's mysterious because it's not given any description at all in the pages of the Lego Dungeons and Dragons book Interesting. So there's very little known about the Dragon Sorcerer, and then there's a Dragonborn minifigure. I did see that one it looks cool yeah and then, oh my goodness, the creatures, the, the beholder, owlbear, the dragon is just really cool looking the dragon is cool yeah, there's a lot of really neat pieces to this set.
Speaker 1:I'm just reading this is a Nerdist article. It's like life lessons from the Lego Dungeons and Dragons set. It's all a matter of perspective. Don't start building your last four bags of Legos at 11 pm. Sometimes you just have to turn it over one more time. The only time you'll be happy to step on a Lego is when one you need has fallen onto the floor. That's great, excellent, but that's really exciting. What do you think, dear, should we bite the bullet?
Speaker 2:This D&D set costs $359.99.
Speaker 1:Yes, it does. Did I forget to mention that?
Speaker 2:You did. I just want to make sure that the listeners know how much this costs, Completely completely just slipped my mind. Yeah, I mean, if you want it that's fine.
Speaker 1:Much this costs completely, completely just slipped my mind. Yeah, I mean, if you want it, that's fine. I think it's really, I think it's just it would be.
Speaker 2:It would be a nice piece to our, to our recording studio here in the dining room what I'm thinking is we could move the multiple bottles of alcohol that are sitting over there and just make space for it I don't know what you're talking about.
Speaker 1:What, what?
Speaker 2:what, huh? I don't. We could just get a wine rack.
Speaker 3:I'm under 21. I can't see anything. We have a wine rack. What are you guys talking about?
Speaker 2:No, I mean, we could get another wine rack.
Speaker 1:Ah, another wine rack For the other bottles, yes, but they're not all. Wine, oh my God. There are different types of alcohol.
Speaker 2:Do we have to have this conversation on the podcast? Do we have to have this conversation on the podcast?
Speaker 1:No, so anyway, we are going to find space for this, but it will, it will we'll we'll discuss it on future episodes of of the podcast. We'll let you know if we get a wine rack. Well, yeah, we'll talk, we'll send, we'll, we'll post pictures of the wine rack Anybody. Anybody out there with wine rack suggestions? Please email Andrew at legendsutonlorecom and we need suggestions for a wine rack. Anyway, no, I hit the layer limit. Oh, you hit the layer limit again.
Speaker 3:Yes, there's been lots of quiet drama over here in my drawing corner that I haven't been able to curse out loud. I accidentally deleted their entire face and had to start all over, oh my. God, yeah, it wasn't great.
Speaker 1:You mean you had to draw a nose again?
Speaker 3:I had to draw a nose again. I had to draw lips again, which was really hard. I had to do the eyes, had to do the eyebrows. It all had to be proportionate. It was a disaster.
Speaker 1:Wow, not good.
Speaker 4:I'm sorry to hear that the face still looks a little fucked up, but it's fine.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so, yeah. So the D&D Lego set coming soon to our household, and then we'll figure out where we want to put it. Yes, that will be the big debate.
Speaker 3:Is this already out? Yeah, if it's in stores, yeah, I don't know. Sometimes they put stuff out to preview.
Speaker 1:No, no, no, no, I think I did see it, it is available now, I believe.
Speaker 3:Okay, I think I wasn't really paying attention.
Speaker 1:I'm pretty sure it's available now.
Speaker 3:Okay, I'm pretty sure it's available now. Okay, I'm 99% sure.
Speaker 1:It's 3,745 pieces.
Speaker 2:At least it's not $3,745.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that took me a second. My jaw almost dropped I forgot that it was.
Speaker 1:So the other cool thing about this you forgot that it was only $360. Yep, yeesh. The other cool thing about this set is D&D released an adventure based on this Lego set. Nice, so you can create a whole adventure based in this little area here, which is really cool, so we might have to do that too. We might make an episode about that. Just play the Lego set and see what happens.
Speaker 2:That'd be cool.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm looking at some of the pictures that they posted. I mean it's a million bags, that's a lot of bags. It's not a million bags. It's not a million bags, it's 32 bags.
Speaker 2:That's a lot of bags.
Speaker 1:That's a lot of bags. That's a lot of bags. It's a lot of bags of Legos. Mm-hmm. Yep. Worth it, though? I think it's worth it.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:There's like hidden chambers and stuff. It's very, very cool. All right, all right, so anyway. So that's about all the news we have to. I think that's all we're going to discuss today.
Speaker 2:You don't want to do the other two articles.
Speaker 1:I don't know, do you?
Speaker 2:I don't care.
Speaker 1:I think we're good, all right, so, anyway. So is there anything else on your minds about D&D that you want to discuss? I don't believe so. No, what are you looking forward to? I know we talked about this a little bit in the beginning, but what? What do you? What do you hope happens in trascender manor?
Speaker 3:the, the goblin ass, or is it? What are they?
Speaker 2:red brands red brands um, I hope that I can uh, turn some of the inhabitants of the manor, who might not be what you would traditionally think of as a quality employee, right into an employee of the b&b. That's great. I mean, they're already living there, so like, maybe, instead of having to kill them, um, we could just be like hey, you want to keep living here? Cool, you want to earn a nice wage. Super, what is your passion?
Speaker 1:these are the questions that will be answered in a few weeks for us, next sunday yes could we avoid the entire um battle by just placing an eviction notice?
Speaker 2:by just placing an eviction notice on whatever most resembles a door.
Speaker 3:I like that.
Speaker 2:I don't think that's going to be interpreted in the way that you're hoping that it is. I don't understand. I like where your head's at.
Speaker 1:I don't understand. I like where your head's at. I understand, but I don't think they're going to take it the way that you think that they should.
Speaker 2:How about if I attach an eviction notice to one of their dead friends and hang them outside?
Speaker 1:Oh, I like that Roll for intimidation. Okay, twelve, twelve roll roll for intimidation okay.
Speaker 2:12. I don't know what my modifiers are for that, though, so hold on what are your modifiers? I'm gonna look. I'm not very intimidating though.
Speaker 1:Uh, let's see I don't know, I gotta bring it up for intimidation. You're a minus one, uh, so it's an 11, a minus one. For intimidation, 11, 11. So you're not. But what happens? What happens is you're right over the fable, yes. So what happens is you, you erect the, the pole that that this red brain is going to hang from you, hang the red brand from it. You, you try to attach the note, the eviction note, to the red brand. However, there's a gust of wind and the eviction note doesn't stay up there too long, so it's not long enough for anyone to see it. So all they see is a dead friend of theirs, and now they're very angry.
Speaker 2:Can I send in a process server to serve the eviction notice?
Speaker 1:what's their ac? Yes, you can, but you can try and, as dms love to say, you can try let me.
Speaker 2:I just want to, I just want to send a brief message to our friend joe. How did, how did I become a constant presence on this podcast? Oh yeah, joe had to get married that's right how am I sitting here making jokes about dnd, a thing I did not care about prior to this podcast?
Speaker 1:And now you're having so much fun. I know I am, I know, yes, it's amazing.
Speaker 2:I do enjoy sassing Joe, though.
Speaker 1:Yes, that's right, all right. So on that note, what's the? I don't even know when. Was it June 25th? Is that the wedding date? Yes, june 25th we will be celebrating Joe and Christine's wedding. So exciting.
Speaker 2:What Do I get a co-host credit on this podcast? You should. I don't see it, I think we should.
Speaker 3:Do I get a co-host credit on this podcast? You should, I don't see it.
Speaker 1:I think we should. I think we should bump you up to co-host.
Speaker 2:At a minimum. I'm a recurring contributor.
Speaker 1:You are.
Speaker 3:Would I be counted as that?
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Whoa, what was that? Look what.
Speaker 1:Wow, how many co-hosts are we having here? I didn't say co-hosts, they weren't asking for co-hosts.
Speaker 2:They were asking if they were a recurring contributor.
Speaker 1:Oh, you're definitely a regular. Okay, you're a regular on this. Yeah, you're, like your name was mentioned before the show starts, kind of thing. Okay, you're in the opening credits. You're not like a special guest star at the end.
Speaker 2:No, you're opening credit material, absolutely alright yes, every time we moved to a new topic, all I heard in my head was moving right along from the Muppet movie, moving right along, footloose and fancy free.
Speaker 1:Okay, speaking of moving right along.
Speaker 2:we are going to move right along Footloose and fancy free.
Speaker 1:Okay, speaking of moving right along, we are going to move right along to end this episode. Thank you everyone for listening again. We we certainly appreciate all all of you listening. Please help support the podcast. Remember you can go to legends, loot and lore Supercastcom. Check us out on all our socials at legends, loot and loresupercastcom. Check us out on all our socials at legends, loot and lore, and all those fun things on our website, wwwlegendslootandlorecom. Yada, yada, yada. Have a fantastic day, everyone. Goodbye, bye, bye, bye, goodbye, bye, bye.